Taylor Swift Gets Support From Amber Rose Against Slut-Shaming: She Doesn’t Need To Let Her P***y Rest, Rose Says

Taylor Swift is getting some major support from Amber Rose against the slut-shamers. The Daily Beast reports that Rose, the author of How To Be A Bad B***h recently said that Taylor should not be shamed for kissing Tom Hiddleston two weeks after she broke up with Calvin Harris.

“I love Taylor, for sure. Absolutely,” Rose said. “And I feel like guys do that all the time—they break up and the next day they’re with another girl and nobody really says anything. But with Taylor it’s, you know what, I’m done with Calvin [Harris] and it didn’t work out, so on to the next.”

Rose, who is currently promoting her upcoming late-night talk show, said that it’s a ridiculous double standard to insist that women go through a waiting period before they move on to a new guy after a break-up. Here’s what she had to say when she was asked why people are so mad at Taylor Swift, right now.

“It is because it’s unheard of, and she’s acting very ‘slutty’ and for some reason needs time to ‘let her p***y rest. That’s how people look at it, and it’s just like, hell no! If I’m done, why do I have to sit in the house and be lonely?”

Amber Rose is no stranger to being slut-shamed. The former girlfriend of rapper Kanye West is very open about her sexuality and how people try to use that as a weapon to hurt her. Even Kanye West once said in an interview on The Breakfast Club that his current wife, Kim Kardashian, made him take 30 showers after he broke up with Rose before he could sleep with her.

So needless to say, slut-shaming is an issue Amber Rose is particularly passionate about.

“After my ex-husband Wiz Khalifa and I got a divorce, I’d go out for a date at a restaurant like any normal single human and people would say, ‘Man, she’s such a ho. She’s out at restaurants with guys.'” Amber Rose once wrote in an essay for Motto, a Time publication.

“Then they would see my ex-husband with a bunch of women. They would say, ‘He’s the man! That’s so cool.’ So when I went on a date, I’m a whore, and when he’s piling girls in a car, he’s the man? There’s something wrong here.

Last year, Amber took her activism to a new level and hosted a slut walk in Los Angeles that attracted women in their thousands. Rose participated in the march and carried a sign for a while which said, “Strippers Have Feelings Too.”

Taylor Swift has a history with being slut-shamed as well. She has been criticized for serial dating in the past, long before she started dating Calvin Harris or Tom Hiddleston

“If I could talk to my 19-year-old self, I’d just say, ‘Hey, you’re gonna date just like a normal 20-something should be allowed to, but you’re going to be a national lightning rod for slut shaming,'” Taylor once said in a video interview with Vogue.

As the New York Daily News notes, Swift has become well known for writing songs about her exes has been romantically linked to Harry Styles, Taylor Lautner, and Jake Gyllenhaal, among others.

The current social media uproar over her kissing Tom Hiddleston so soon after her breakup with Calvin Harris is nothing new. If anything, it’s an almost expected reaction to a Taylor Swift break-up now.

As the Inquisitr previously reported, news of a potential Taylor Swift Tom Hiddleston relationship came via The Sun, who published photographs of them kissing on a beach in Rhode Island.

“They were all over each other – hugging and kissing – even though there were 20 people coming and going on the beach,” an onlooker said, according to The Sun.

The Daily Mail reports that Tom Hiddleston has since confirmed the news that he and Taylor Swift are dating. “Yeah, man” he replied to a paparazzo who recently asked him to confirm whether he and Swift are an item.

There’s been no official word on it from Taylor Swift, however.

[Photos by Alberto E. Rodriguez, Mike Coppola/Getty Images]

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