Big Cat Watermelon Mauling Clip Goes Viral [Video]

Let’s face it. Big cats are majestic and beautiful yet also carnivorous and more than a little frightening, right? Not necessarily true of the big cats of Big Cat Rescue, who enjoy a steady diet of watermelons according to video from the organization that is quickly going viral.

Big Cat Rescue, a charity dedicated to the protection of exotic cats, posted a video to their website and YouTube showing a cadre of these big, exotic cats playing with, mauling, goring, and eating watermelons. “How do Lions, Tigers, Leopards and Cougars like to eat watermelons?” the description asks. “Every summer we hand out watermelons to the cats that live at Big Cat Rescue as enrichment, they love to play with them and also some of the cats actually like to eat the watermelons!”

“This is grrr-eat entertainment for both the cats and our volunteers and of course it’s perfectly safe for the cats to enjoy their summer treats!” they continue.

So if you just can’t take seeing these poor, innocent watermelons meet their gruesome ends, I suggest that you do not view the below video. “Actually, the most horrifying thing about this video isn’t the feline-on-fruit violence — it’s the cheesy elevator muzak soundtrack,” notes MSN. But if you’re into that sort of thing or you just love big cats, then the video below is for you. You can learn more about the big cats of the Big Cat Rescue charity in Tampa, Florida by visiting their website (links above and here) or following them on Twitter.

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What do you think of the big cat watermelon mauling? Gruesome, hilarious, adorable? Sound off!

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