Mariah Carey Feuding With Nick Cannon? Plans To Drop 20 More Pounds For Wedding

Although Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon have seemed amicable and shared that this is the case, when questioned by the media about the status of their post-marriage relationship, new rumors are indicating that Mimi and Nick are at odds over recent developments and events.

The gossip is yet to be verified, however, what is being shared revolves around news of Mariah Carey’s new reality show that will focus on the personal life of the diva. Cannon is reportedly not okay with his twin 4-year-old children, whom he co-parents with Carey, being a focus of the reality show. Rumors are swirling that Mariah is adamant that Moroccan and Monroe, her little ones, are a part of the new reality series that was announced as an upcoming project for the star last month.

Enstarz relays the details about the claims being made by sources in regards to the tension that is brewing between Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon.

“[T]he ex-couple is supposedly ‘at war’ over the kids, as Nick is having a hard time getting though to his ex-wife. Close friends say he simply doesn’t want the kids to be more in the public eye than they already are.”

As noted, a source who is apparently close to the couple has shared the reason for the tension and more details as to Carey’s sneaky manner that is causing issues between her and Nick.

“She is trying to be sneaky. The kids are filming the reality show a lot. Nick has said he would be fine with them on a little bit, in the background. But they are filming almost every day. It is turning into a ‘mommy and me’ show rather than a Mariah Carey show. ‘Mariah refuses to discuss it with NICK but several people have told him what is going on. Mariah thinks once they have all this footage she will be able to use it. But in reality she will have to get his permission. It is not like she can sneak it into the show and hope that he doesn’t know. It is a TV show, he will see it.”

The claims have yet to be verified from either Cannon or Carey’s reps, yet the issue is that Nick requires full knowledge about what his children are involved in, and Mariah is reportedly not running details by him.

“[E]very time Nick tries to talk to her about it, her assistants call him back and tell him she’s unavailable! It never even occurred to Mariah that she would need to get Nick’s approval. She’s out of control!”

Hopefully, the rumors are untrue, and Nick and Mariah are still the blissfully happy exes they have portrayed themselves to be since their split last year. Earlier this year, Nick seemed all in support of Mariah and was even happy at the news that she had become engaged to her beau, billionaire James Packer. It would be a shame if the reality show controversy is actually causing bad blood between the two.

As for Mariah’s upcoming nuptials, the star has shared that she is definitely working on dropping some weight for the big day. Perez Hilton relays the details about the star’s intentions to shed 20 more pounds by the time she plans to wed Packer. A source shares with the celebrity gossip site about Carey’s diet and weight-loss intentions.

“Mariah is so excited about her wedding. [She] is only eating four ounces of grilled chicken, lean beef or one of her favorites, broiled Chilean Sea Bass or grilled shrimp with grilled asparagus.”

It seems as though that diet is the ticket to getting the results Mariah Carey is hoping for.

[Photo by Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images]

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