Denny’s Patron Picks Up Check, Mystery Woman Buys Everyone’s Grand Slams

Sacramento, CA — Between the Denny’s wedding chapel opening in Vegas and now the mystery Denny’s dinner buyer, someone is having a way better month than Chick-Fil-A in the PR department.

The Denny’s wedding chapel offers couples tying the knot a low-key place to exchange vows, but you have to be planning to get married to participate in that party. But one Denny’s patron provided a far more inclusive exciting moment that even those already married or just out dining could enjoy… and she won’t even allow a bit of publicity for her good deed.

Diners at a Denny’s near Sacramento, California got a welcome surprise when the woman engaged in a random act of coolness on Monday. Little is known about the mystery woman who picked up the checks of everyone at Denny’s, save for the fact she was young (in her mid 30s) and accompanied by two young children.

Denny’s manager Seto Avakian of the Newcastle Denny’s says he asked the woman if she really wanted to pick up all the bills at the Sacramento-area Denny’s, a total tab that reached about $300 with a $40 tip. But he says that the gesture brought a lot of joy — perhaps not as much as the Denny’s wedding chapel, but every bit counts, and diners were touched at the kindness bestowed by the mystery woman.

According to the manager, she didn’t want accolades either — he described her not only as insisting on anonymity, but being very humble as she engaged in her thoughtful Denny’s dining act.

Have you ever been on the receiving end of a random act of kindness like the Denny’s mystery woman initiated? Have you ever paid it forward?

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