Kim Kardashian Speaks Out About Feuding With Kylie While Tell-All Book Claims Kim ‘Would Step On Anybody’ For Fame [Video]

Kim Kardashian insists that she and sister Kylie Jenner are not feuding — in fact, the sisters “just are so supportive of each other” that “there’s no one else I would want to be in the same business with than my sister,” Kardashian insisted on her private website.

Rumors that Kim and Kylie constantly fight began when Jenner started her own personal brand that, at times, has shared similarities with her sister’s as Jenner figured out her own path. But, according to Kim, now their businesses bear little resemblance.

Writing that “Kylie and I laugh so hard at [the feuding rumors] all the time,” Kim said that because their brands are so different, the two sisters rarely cross paths professionally. Kardashian explained that “people always want to pit us against each other, thinking we have similar careers.”

On her own website, Kylie agrees, confirming that “[p]eople always put me and Kim in a competition, or [they say] I’m trying to be Kim, or I’m trying to steal Kim’s throne.” But, according to Jenner, she and Kim are “completely different people” and they’re “not in competition.”

Squashing gossip that the sisters constantly bicker, Kim shared with fans that “it’s amazing,” adding that her little sister “teaches me so much, and I teach her so much, and we’re both so close that it’s just funny.”

“I think people forget that me and Kim are sisters,” the makeup mogul adds. “Kim inspires me. She’s one of my biggest inspirations,” she confesses, explaining that her love for Kardashian is “not a secret! I look up to my sister. I don’t think that’s like, a weird thing? We have a lot of love for each other.”

Naturally, given that each day, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of articles published about the Kardashian family, it’s hard for Kim to keep up with all the gossip. There are times when Kim has called Kylie to ask if a rumor is true.

“Sometimes I hear a rumor and I’m like, ‘Wait, is that true?! What’s really going on? I need to call my sister,’ ” Kardashian writes on her website. However, when it comes to gossip that the sisters are feuding, Kim knows it is not true, telling fans that fighting with Kylie “has never been the case. We just are so supportive of each other, and that’s really what it is.”

A new tell-all book, titled Kardashian Dynasty, contends the opposite. According to Kim’s first husband, Damon Thomas, Kardashian is “obsessed with fame” and “would step on anybody, including her sisters Kourtney and Khloe, to get ahead,” reports the Daily Mail.

“She’s jealous and competitive with her sisters. Jealousy is a big thing with her,” Thomas concluded.

The same release also claims that Kim Kardashian has been a pawn in her mother’s plans. Asserting that Kim and her marriage to rapper Kanye West is nothing more than an arranged marriage, the union “boosted the ratings [of Keeping Up With The Kardashians] once again.” However, like Kim’s past marriages, it’s not working out, and the couple now are “rethinking their position,” according to a Kardashian insider.

Indeed, daily reports assert that Kim and Kanye are headed for divorce court, although there’s just as much conflicting information. Website Gossip Cop contends that Kardashian and West have a peaceful marriage. But as far as Kris Jenner is concerned, Kylie and Kendall are “the future of Brand K,” according to Kardashian insiders, since the sisters’ “joint Instagram reaches 110 million and they are on the way to becoming supermodels.”

What do you think? Do Kim Kardashian and Kylie Jenner get along, or is it just an act? Leave a comment below!

[Photo by Jason Merritt/Getty Images]

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