‘The Walking Dead’ Spoilers: One Of These Two Main Characters Will Die In The Season Finale — Can You Handle It?

It’s no secret that fans are anxiously awaiting the Season 6 finale of The Walking Dead with very little patience. Negan is arriving, and he’s going to do something that fans want and that don’t want, both at the same time. It is rumored and expected that a major character is going to die in the final episode of Season 6, but who is it going to be? Well, the two top possibilities are out there, and fans may riot either way.

Please let it be known that there are possible SPOILERS ahead for the current season and comic book of The Walking Dead. If you don’t want to know them, stop reading now.

There’s a reason that terror is rising in the hearts and throats of everyone who watches The Walking Dead. That reason is the actor named Jeffrey Dean Morgan, who will be playing one of the harshest, evilest, and most vile villains to ever set foot onto a television screen.

That creation resting on Negan’s should is a barbed-wire bat that he so lovingly refers to as “Lucille,” and she’s lethal. Fans that have read the graphic novel know that he uses it to beat Glenn to death and kills one of the most beloved characters on the show.

Now, the TV series isn’t the comic book though. Some changes have been made here and there, and things aren’t always left exactly the same.

That’s where the confusion comes in as to what could possibly happen in the season finale of The Walking Dead that will air on Sunday night. Some wonder if it will be Glenn that bites it at the hands of Negan, as it happened in the graphic novel.

Robert Kirkman, creator of The Walking Dead, spoke recently on Morgan’s first appearance as Negan and how it gave him goosebumps. He also said that things may not always be what they seem or what the fans truly expect.

That is why it’s hard to believe that it is Glenn that will meet Lucille face-to-face. It’s also why it is easier to believe that it is one of two other main characters.

the walking dead spoilers season 6 finale daryl dixon negan rick grimes die death
[Image via AMC]
Killing off Daryl Dixon or Rick Grimes would be two of the most shocking things that the series creators of The Walking Dead could possibly do. Lauren Cohan, who plays Maggie, said that the series finale will be the biggest in television history.

For them to have a title like that, then there is going to be something drastic and huge happen. What better way to meet that criteria than to kill off the two main and most popular characters?

the walking dead spoilers season 6 finale daryl dixon negan rick grimes die death dwight
[Image via AMC]
First off, Daryl Dixon was shot last week by Dwight (Austin Amelio), and it has been confirmed that yes, it did happen. The severity of the situation isn’t quite known, though, and Hollywood Life spoke with Amelio about it. There is no swerve. It happened.

“Exactly what you see happens, happens. It’s not a trick. It’s definitely Daryl getting shot. I won’t tell you where he’s getting shot. But you see [Dwight] pull the trigger, and that’s Daryl’s blood.”

Amelio continued on to say that Daryl Dixon isn’t dead. He’s still alive as of now, according to what he told Tech Insider, and there is a reason for that too.

“He doesn’t have any intention on killing him. [Dwight]’s been through a rough patch and I think he wants to show that he means business, and he knows that by shooting him he gets his point across. I could have gone for the head. I didn’t. I went for the right shoulder. He’s not going to die. He’ll be okay.”

That leaves the door open for what the new villain arriving on the show could do, and it has Daryl as one of the possible victims of Negan and Lucille. Many have to remember that Daryl was never in the graphic novel of The Walking Dead, and he’s a character simply created for the TV series.

Then again, there could be an even bigger target in mind for the barbed wire-covered bat, and that is Rick Grimes, the semi-leader of the survivors himself.

Last year, there were rumors swirling around that Andrew Lincoln (Rick) wanted to leave the show and longed to be killed by the Walkers or someone else. As Movie Pilot reported, Lincoln wanted to be written off the show, but that ended up being false and nothing more than speculation.

the walking dead spoilers season 6 finale daryl dixon negan rick grimes die death
[Image via AMC]
Killing off Rick Grimes in the final Season 6 episode of The Walking Dead would honestly be overly shocking, and no-one would see it coming. Even with the rumors flying around right now, there aren’t many people that really believe the show creators will do it.

No matter what, someone is meeting Lucille in the season finale, and that is proven by 11 minutes of audio that have leaked online. Vocaroo has that audio, and it includes Jeffrey Dean Morgan speaking as Negan to the survivors, and then the whacks and thuds of Lucille making contact with someone.

There is a very good chance that the episode will end as a cliffhanger, and it won’t be known who gets met by Negan and hit with Lucille until the beginning of Season 7. Still, it’s going to happen and someone is very likely going to die on Sunday on The Walking Dead — but will it be Rick Grimes or Daryl Dixon?

[Image via AMC]

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