European Muslim Migrants Sent Through Sex Education Course, Told Skimpy Clothes Are Not Invitation For Sex

European Muslim migrants are being sent through an adult sex education class in Norway after a series of sexual attacks by Muslim men against Western women. During the courses, Muslim migrants are shown photographs of women in skimpy clothing sitting in provocative positions. The men are then told that this is not an invitation for sex and that this is not what consent looks like in the western world.

However, the sex education teacher says that many of the men in the course often have questions beyond women’s attire in Europe and will explain to the instructor that “she kissed him, it’s an invitation to have sex” or “if she wants to come to my place, that means she’s consenting.” The course instructor says that these myths of consent held by the migrants are addressed in the course in the hopes that it can decrease sexual crimes by migrants against the women in the country they are entering.

The Daily Mail reports that Linda Hagen, a teacher for the migrant sex education course, is hoping to help stop some of the sexual violence perpetrated by European Muslim immigrants by offering a course that outlines what sexual consent means in the western world. From outlining that provocative clothing is not an invitation for sexual contact to noting that a kiss does not mean a woman wants to sleep with you, Hagen addresses issues surrounding the previously held beliefs on consent by the Muslim migrants and what is expected in the European world.

Hagan notes that she uses photographs to hit home her points. For example, one photograph features a young woman in a short skirt sitting on a chair with her legs slightly parted. She tells the class of mostly men from Arab or Northern African descent that this is not an invitation for sex. Instead, she notes that a woman must give explicit consent for sexual contact in European countries and the western world. She says the photographs open dialogue between the participants and give the men the opportunity to ask questions.

The sex education teacher says that many of the migrants will make comments such as “she kissed him, it’s an invitation for sex” or “if she wants to come to my place, that means she’s consenting.” Therefore, Hagan says she must explain that this is not considered consent in Europe and that the men must now follow the rules set before them. She notes that the course will not be effective with men who are already violent. However, it can help to identify those men before they enter society.

“We can’t change men who are violent, as they often have complex problems.”

All across Europe, Hagan notes that courses similar to hers are being offered as sexual assault incidents rise. In fact, it was reported that in Cologne alone there were 766 police reports made regarding men of Arab or North African descent, including 497 for sexual assault cases. One particularly alarming trend is gang-rape or group sex attacks, which are known as “taharrush gamea” in the Arab community. This involves multiple men surrounding a victim and sexually assaulting her by groping or rape in a public place.

Although Hagan says that some migrants are causing problems, she says as a whole the group wants to better their reputation by taking the courses and understanding the new culture they are in.

“Asylum seekers stand together with us in the fight against violence and rape in the community. They are concerned about their own reputation and would like to contribute in their new country.”

What do you think about the idea of adult sex education courses for migrants to decrease instances of sexual violence?

[Image via Shutterstock]

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