Catherine Zeta-Jones Says Husband Michael Douglas’ Recent Health Scares Changed Family’s Perspective

Catherine Zeta-Jones is headlining the new film adaptation of the popular Broadway show Rock of Ages, but the past few years have been rough on the Welsh actress and her ailing husband, actor Michael Douglas.

But Catherine Zeta-Jones, 42, and Douglas, 67, have been working to move forward after a difficult series of health-related setbacks, including Douglas’ bout with throat cancer. And Douglas wasn’t the only family member to have a medical issue in recent years.

A month after Douglas was diagnosed with the scary illness, he and Zeta-Jones disclosed that their 11-year-old son Dylan had “special needs,” Us Weekly reveals. And the Rock of Ages star herself battled her own issues, seeking treatment for her ongoing struggle with bipolar disorder (which used to be known as manic depression.)

Zeta-Jones explained that as trying as the last few years have been, the experiences have also served to highlight what is important and has reduced her concern over less crucial matters:

“It puts everything into perspective on a personal and professional level. I’m not so consumed about what people think or say like I used to be.”

The actress continues:

“This is life; this is it. And we feel very blessed with our health and everything. And we just enjoy it. Michael’s the same.”

rock of ages catherine zeta jones

When asked if the experiences made her “stronger,” Zeta-Jones demurrs, but admits to feeling somewhat emboldened by the stress the family has endured. She explains:

“I just feel that I look out for myself and I nurture my strength. I’m not inherently a ball-busting, strong woman… But these things are sent to try us, and we do sit back and go, ‘Wow, we got through that,’ and, ‘Oof, we dodged that huge bullet.’ I guess it does make you stronger because you have some ammunition to be prepared for something else that’s going to side swipe you, because it really did side swipe us.”

Catherine Zeta-Jones concludes:

“I’m in a much better place now. Things are going great and long may they continue because it’s been a tough road.”

You can catch the actress in Rock of Ages, which was released today.

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