‘Walking Dead’ Season 5 Ends With Morgan’s Comeback

Apparently, a stick is all you need to survive a zombie apocalypse. This is the lesson that we learn from Morgan Jones who had viewers wide-eyed with his display of awesome stick fighting skills during The Walking Dead’s Season 5 finale.

The stick-toting hero opens the final episode Conquer after trailing the group whole season long. At his campfire, Morgan is confronted by a random man with a W on his forehead. This symbol had been seen on zombies throughout the season and also sparked Morgan’s curiosity. He asked the man what the W meant and the man tells him that he is a member of a group called “wolves” who hunt people with the goal of having them turned into zombies.

The man does not show up alone. His Wolf buddy sneaks up on Morgan from behind but these Wolves wrongfully assume that they were gonna take him down. Unlike the misguided Wolf, the only buddy that Morgan needed was a trusty stick which he uses to beat the two down to a pulp. He then dumps their lifeless bodies into a car and honks the horn to let the walkers know that their meal is ready.

Later in the episode, Morgan also rescues Aaron and Daryl who were trapped inside a car surrounded by dozens of hungry walkers. Just when the two best friends were about to lose hope, Morgan comes to the rescue hacking off the walkers’ heads with, yes, you guessed it right, a stick!

They then head out of the parking lot and when they are all safe and sound, Morgan tells them about himself. Their hero tells them that he was lost and shows them the map that he is carrying. It turns out, the map is the same one that Abraham left with Rick at the church. The two immediately recognized that Morgan is “one of them” when they see Rick’s name on the map.

Looking back to the first episode of the series, Morgan saved Rick’s life so clearly he wants to reunite with his old buddy. Are we looking forward to a reunion in the next season? There’s no telling what’s going to happen next in a zombie apocalypse.

The rest of The Walking Dead gang are still in one piece. Only a couple of Alexandria locals, Pete and Reg, kicked the can.

[Image via AMC]

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