Weeds creator has a new show and it’s coming to you on – Netflix

Netflix hasn’t been shy about how it wants to get more into original programming and it is willing to spend the money to do so. As we have seen with it’s Lillyhammer series, its House of Cards original series and the rebirth of the popular Arrested Development series.

As Reed Hasting, Netflix’s CEO, has said in the past when it comes to competition he believes that the only real competition that Netflix has is from HBO and that it is important that Netflix be able to get into the original programming arena if it wants to gain real traction against HBO.

To that end Netflix has struck a deal with Jenji Kohan, of Weeds fame, for a new comedy show called Orange is the New Black and is centered around a communications expert with a rather bad history with drugs. Netflix has ordered an initial run of 13 episodes.

via SlashGear

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