In Canada if you don’t like warrantless Internet spying then you support child porn

Oh Canada, the land of the brave, and the land where the government once more is pushing to pass an Internet surveillance bill that would make service providers hand over all IP address, e-mail address, phone numbers and any other information that law enforcement wants – but without the need of a warrant.

This new bill would also require that every single ISP and cellular phone company install real-time surveillance equipment and create new police powers that are designed to allow them to obtain access to that surveillance data.

  • Require internet service providers to give subscriber data to police and national security agencies without a warrant, including names, unlisted phone numbers and IP addresses.
  • Force internet providers and other makers of technology to provide a “back door” to make communications accessible to police.
  • Allow police to get warrants to obtain information transmitted over the internet and data related to its transmission, including locations of individuals and transactions.
  • Allow courts to compel other parties to preserve electronic evidence.

via CBC

To make this even more attractive and easier to pass the bill’s advocates are making an interesting comparison. According to Public Safety Minister Vic Toews if you are against the government and this bill then that means you must be on the side of child pornographers.

Yup, if you value Internet freedom and due process then you, you slimy bucket of nastiness, must be all for child pornography.

Needless to say opposition members of Parliament are vocal in their fight against the bill and there has been more than 80,000 signatures on an online petition opposing the bill.

via Ars Technica

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