Why Kristen Bell Named Her Daughter ‘Delta’

Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard welcomed a baby girl into this world four weeks ago, a little sister for their first daughter Lincoln. And what did they name this precious bundle of joy? Delta.

Bell’s husband, Shepard, appeared on the Ellen Show yesterday, talking about the arrival of the latest edition to Bell and Shepard’s family. So how did Bell decide to name her baby girl “Delta?” Shepard related the story to Ellen.

Apparently a friend joked with Shepard and Bell about naming their first daughter Lincoln, what Yahoo! News refers to as a “masculine name.” The friend jokingly asked what they would name their second daughter, “Navy Seal, Delta Force, Green Beret” perhaps? The joke was sent over text message to Shepard, who read the message aloud to Bell.

When Bell heard “Delta”, the couple had an epiphany.

“Delta Bell Shepard, That’s it!”

So what started out as a joke became an epiphany and a beautiful name for a beautiful baby girl.

Sheppard also shared with Ellen the details of Bell giving birth. He shared how Bell had to go through a C-section after being in labor for 33 hours. He commented that Bell received an epidural at hour 14, and then cracked a joke that he thinks that “dads need something” too.

As seen on People, Shepard told Ellen about Bell’s labor, saying, “God bless her… [Her labor with Lincoln was] 15 [hours]. That’s child’s play.”

Although it was “heartbreaking” that Bell had to have a C-section, she has already bounced back, according to Shepard.

When talking of Bell and her health, he told Ellen, “[Kristen] is a super healer.”

He explained that since Bell has been healthy from the beginning, never smoking or eating unhealthy foods, that she’s healed and back to working again.

Despite the complications, Bell and Shepard are just happy to “have a healthy baby girl” and a reason to put off taking down their Christmas lights until March.

Shepard and Bell met in 2007 before becoming engaged in 2009. The couple refused to be married, though, until California legalized same sex marriages, which occurred in June of 2013. The couple wed in an extremely low-key ceremony at the Beverly Hills County Clerk’s Office in October of 2013. The couple have an older daughter, Lincoln, born in March of 2013.

Kristen Bell and her family are now happily “settling into their life” as a family of four.

[Photo Courtesy of Us Magazine]

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