Christmas By The Numbers [Infographic]

Millions of people will exchange gifts, decorate trees, and eat massive amounts of food on Christmas. But just how many people participate in the holiday? According to an infographic from the History channel, nearly every person in America celebrates Christmas.

Here are some Christmas facts according to

  • 95% of Americans say that they celebrate Christmas but only 65% attend a religious service.
  • 25 million people will use a real tree for their Christmas tree while 10 million will go the artificial route.
  • Over its 80 year history, New York Rockefeller’s biggest Christmas tree was a 100 ft Norwegian spruce in 1999.
  • Troops overseas receive 30 million pounds of mail during the holiday season.

Here is the Christmas fact infographic from

What do you think of these Christmas facts? Do 95% of Americans really celebrate Christmas?

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