WWE News: Top WWE Star Working Injured, Refusing To Take Time Off

WWE’s known for its grueling schedule over 300 days of the calendar year. Few wrestlers escape the injury bug, and won’t sustain an injury during the year. That’s one side of the spectrum, while the other is rather unlucky. Sometimes, the best wrestlers succumb to long-term injury, which derails their career in one way or another.

Corey Graves fell victim to the concussion, which ultimately ended his career. He chose the smart path and retired early, so that he can have a future without brain damage. Men like Jim “the Anvil” Neidhart and Bret Hart will most-likely live their elder years in constant pain, due to the endless years of dedication to professional wrestling and the WWE.

It all depends on the style in today’s WWE product. Men like John Cena and Randy Orton will last longer than Daniel Bryan and Seth Rollins. It’s all in the type of wrestling they learned. Rollins, if he is lucky, will last seven more years at a high rate. Another guy is Dolph Ziggler, who is widely-regarded as the best seller in the WWE. According to WrestleChat.net, he’s working injured, but is the Intercontinental belt in jeopardy?

WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler, who has received much praise along with Luke Harper for their recent matches, is said to be working banged up and it apparently has been noticeable backstage at times in the past few weeks.

However, Ziggler won’t be taking any time off. Ziggler wants his current Intercontinental Title reign to really help elevate the value of the championship.

Leave it to Dolph Ziggler to put the company before his health. From an unbiased opinion, that is very dangerous and the former-World Heavyweight champion could only make it worse. If he does take time off, then the IC title will change hands. His goal is to bring prestige back to the championship.

There are a few notes on Ziggler to be wary of. Bleacher Report believes he is the “biggest dark horse” in this year’s Royal Rumble pay-per-view. With all signs pointing towards Roman Reigns taking the Rumble match, Ziggler throwing him off the top rope to win it would bring smiles to the WWE Universe.

On the other side of the argument, Ziggler might be getting the same treatment as Daniel Bryan had last year. Bryan is arguably the best wrestler in the company, but only received the push he did because CM Punk left the company.

WWE has two options with Dolph Ziggler, as he only wants to reach that “brass ring” Vince McMahon talked about. They can push him to the moon, or have him dominate the mid-card and seldom get pushes for a WWE World Heavyweight championship. Right now, Ziggler is the second-best face behind Dean Ambrose. Now is the time that WWE needs to capitalize on what they have.

[Image via bleacherreport.com]

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