YouTube Now Officially the Choice of Congress

YouTube has teamed up with Congressional leaders to launch two new hubs dedicated to politics on YouTube: the imaginatively named Senate Hub and House Hub.

From the YouTube blog:

So, why are your elected leaders coming to YouTube? The short answer is: you. Your use of YouTube and other online platforms to speak up on political issues and hold your leaders accountable has shown just how powerful this medium can be. You’ve shown your elected officials that in order to be in contact with you, they need to come to the platforms you use most, and engage with you directly.

These YouTube channels have the potential to make Congress more transparent and accessible than ever before – but only if you continue to connect and engage with your government on the site. The House Hub and Senate Hub are the digital equivalents of a backstage pass to your government. Find your Senator and Representative on YouTube and make a connection… and if your elected representative doesn’t have a YouTube channel yet, give them a call or an email and encourage them to get started.

The numbers already prove YouTube’s dominance in online video, but if there was any doubt before, becoming the official outlet of the US Congress seals it. The welcome video below, consisting mostly of old people in suits. Riveting viewing.

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