Intel walks away from the smart TV war leaving ARM the victor

Some interesting news out of the AnandTech blog when it comes to the chips that are powering the future of smart TV.

It seems that Intel has decided that the time has come to pull the plug on its Digital Home Group, the division responsible for the CE4100 Atom processor chip development that is used for things like smart television devices. At this point companies like Boxee and Google TV make use of the Intel chips but following this news it looks like they’ll have to move over to using ARM chips.

Neither Google nor Boxee executives seemed overly concerned with the news saying that ARM provides a very viable alternative, and one that Boxee is use to working with given that Boxee is designed to run on multiple types of chipsets and that the first Boxee device originally ran on an ARM chipset.

In fact word has it that Google has been working with ARM chips for its next generation of Google TV devices with the hope that doing so would help bring down the prices of those devices.

via GigaOM

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