25 Hilarious Examples Of The Elderly Struggling With The Internet

It’s no secret that a lot of grandparents out there are still trying to conquer the World Wide Web. There’s a lot that goes into it and many people take it for granted that a lot of these things come second nature for the younger generations.

While we are certainly sympathetic to their struggles, it doesn’t change the fact they they can be flat out hilarious when it comes to trying their hand searching, uploading, and honestly just anything that involves a computer in general.

We understand that this does not apply to everyone, so please don’t take offense if you are an older, but savvy user!

Please, enjoy this nice little collection that shows why the elderly are some of the most entertaining people on the internet and be sure to share these old people internet fails!

1. Apparently Red Lobster has parents?

Elderly Struggling With The Internet

2. Not quite quick enough…

Elderly Struggling With The Internet

3. At least she’s thankful!

Elderly Struggling With The Internet

4. Wouldn’t it be nice if it worked like this?

Elderly Struggling With The Internet

5. Once again, looks like Facebook needs to incorporate a new feature…

Elderly Struggling With The Internet

6. Just looking for a shoulder to cry on.

Elderly Struggling With The Internet

7. Rolling back prices on everything…including counseling.

Elderly Struggling With The Internet

8. All kinds of recipes.

Elderly Struggling With The Internet

9. Personal messages to the BK.

Elderly Struggling With The Internet

10. Hey, at least it got answered!

Elderly Struggling With The Internet

11. I’m not even sure where to start here.

Elderly Struggling With The Internet

12. I think you might have the wrong person.

Elderly Struggling With The Internet

13. Too many good things in this one.

Elderly Struggling With The Internet

14. This may be a valid question…

Elderly Struggling With The Internet

15. Lots of confusion going on here.

Elderly Struggling With The Internet

16. Walmart getting all kinds of love.

Elderly Struggling With The Internet

17. Ok, will do.

Elderly Struggling With The Internet

18. Question answered…can’t complain about that.

Elderly Struggling With The Internet

19. She was happy with her meal!

Elderly Struggling With The Internet

20. Nothing like your Grandparents busting in on a serious reflection status.

Elderly Struggling With The Internet

21. I too enjoy Grilled Cheese, Terrell.

Elderly Struggling With The Internet

22. Looks like a valiant effort to me.

Elderly Struggling With The Internet

23. I couldn’t stop laughing at this one….too good.

Elderly Struggling With The Internet

24. Status: Hijacked.

Elderly Struggling With The Internet

25. Advil and Google….pretty much the same thing.

Elderly Struggling With The Internet

[H/T BuzzFeed]

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