Robber captured and fed Viagra for three days by hair salon owner
Look I know that forcible confinment combined with unwanted sex acts is no laughing matter but forgive me if I burst out laughing at this doofus robber wannabe.
It seems that Viktor Janinski decided that he needed some money and the best way for him to get that money was to break into a hair salon in a an unknown Russian city and see what he could find.
Well what he found is probably not what he was expecting as the owner of the salon, Olga Zajac a trained black belt, was still at work in the salon and proceeded to punch Viktor in the face.
Now normally you would think that the story would end here with the cops being called and Viktor hauled off to jail. It turns out though that this was only the beginning of the story as Olga decided to drag his unconscious body into the back room and tie him up, naked, to the radiator.
Like I said this was just the beginning:
She fed him Viagra and had sex with him for three days before releasing him, telling him that he’d “learned his lesson.” Once he was released, Jasinski immediately went to the cops and told them about his imprisonment.
Of course the cops then had to arrest the both of them, him for attempted burglary, and Zajac or kidnapping and other charges.
This didn’t sit too well with Zajac of course who had this to say:
“What a bastard. Yes, we had sex a couple of times. But I bought him new jeans, gave him food, and even gave him 1,000 rubles when he left.”
Like I said earlier, don’t mind e while I sit in the corner laughing my ass off.