‘Killzone: Shadow Fall’ Multiplayer: New Options Coming Soon

Killzone: Shadow Fall multiplayer is about to get more options. The PS4 exclusive first person shooter has been largely ignored, despite being the first of its kind since the launch of the console to reach a million sales. Sadly, a lot of attention went instead to the more mainstream shooters such as Call of Duty: Ghosts and Battlefield 4. The latest in the sci-fi entry to the genre is still going strong though, and could be about to get a boost.

Coming in June, the PlayStation 4 launch title from the Killzone series is getting a four player co-op mode. That’s right, you and up to three friends (or friendly strangers) will take on the opposition in what will probably be an almost James Bond-level of espionage and warfare. Killzone: Shadow Fall Intercept is the name of the expansion coming in June.

Killzone: Shadow Fall multiplayer appears to be Sony and Guerrilla Games’ attempt to take on the upcoming Halo 5 and Destiny, giving us our first taste of sci-fi combat on a semi-epic scale before the competition has a chance on Xbox One.

The backstory to the latest Killzone is that you play the role of Shadow Marshall Lucas Kellen, on a mission to investigate a still-ensuing war between the Helghast and the Vekta. After all of the sacrifices he’s made to ensure peace by means of the Wall, it seems it was all in vain as he encounters Echo, a Helghast operative bent on ending the war.

Four of the single player maps have been adapted to new multiplayer arenas, where an elite VSA team called Intelligence Squad Alpha has been dropped behind enemy lines to try to make a difference. It gives you a new take on the classic Capture the Flag scenario, except this time you’re protecting the Hacking Uplink or simply scoring as many team kills as you can.

Your combat team in the new Killzone: Shadow Fall multiplayer mode consists of four classes; Assault, Marksman, Medic, and Tactician. Each will of course have its own advantages and disadvantages in the heat of battle, and even the medic plays an important role as always.

Despite the issues that most PS4 launch titles were known for, Killzone: Shadow Fall could make a comeback among first person shooters and remind us that the Xbox One isn’t the only console with sci-fi shooters.

Are you ready to try out the new Killzone: Shadow Fall multiplayer mode?

[image via hdwallpapers]

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