Jennifer Lawrence Talks About Sex Toy Problems
Jennifer Lawrence is currently promoting her new film American Hustle, so there are bound to be some hilarious soundbites from the actress making the rounds on the talk show circuit. Of course, the actress didn’t disappoint. Now we have a video where she shares her woes about butt plugs with none other than viral funny man and talk show host Conan O’Brien.
Sure, when one thinks of Jennifer Lawrence, the first thing that doesn’t come to mind is butt plugs, nor should it, so the beginnings of the story sound quite scandalous, even though Lawrence insists multiple times that it was an innocent story.
As it turns out, Lawrence was right, but that doesn’t mean it’s any less hilarious. With slight egging on by Conan, Lawrence told the full story about her woes with butt plugs in the candid way we’re now all familiar with when it comes to the random and adorable ramblings from the young actress.
It all started when Lawrence was asked if she could take up another occupation what would it be. Surprisingly, Lawrence revealed it would be a maid because it’s all the cleaning that she likes to do, and she would have fun snooping on hotel guests. Things shifted when Conan asked if she would like to be snooped on and that’s when things turned a bit strange.
“Somebody as a joke bought me a bunch of butt plugs. It’s a long story. A really, really long story. Just trust me that it’s normal—this story. I had a copious amount of butt plugs. Tons of butt plugs. All different fits and colors. A huge amount of different-colored butt plugs. So the maid was coming so I was like, ‘Well I’ll just shove this under the bed so she doesn’t see all these butt plugs.’ She might not know they’re for a joke.”
So what happens next, you ask? Well, the maid was simply left to her own devices after she discovered the array of butt plugs. What happens next is pretty amusing.
“Then I came back and all of them were brought out of the bed and were in this beautiful display on my bedside table.I think she knew what she was doing.”
Butt plugs or no butt plugs Jennifer Lawrence is still pretty great.