Sony apologizes for PlayStation hack with two free games

With the PlayStation Network due to start its recovery soon, Sony has revealed it will offer all PSN users two free games to apologise for the outage. Said games are on top of the free 30 days membership in the PlayStation Plus premium service and free 30 days subscription to music and movies service Qrocity.

Communications chief Nick Caplin took to the European PlayStation Blog to reveal that both PS3 and PSP users will get to choose their two free downloadable titles from a list of five. Which games will be offered isn’t yet known, though for obvious reasons they’ll be Sony’s own first-party software.

The company is also beavering away on a free identity protection scheme for PSN account holders in Europe – a similar system recently went live in the U.S.

As for when PSN is back, estimates still say some time this week. Hopefully it will manage to stay up, despite recent rumors of a fresh hacking assault.

[Via PlayStation Blog]

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