Introducing QMeme Alpha

Want to know what the cool kids are talking about on FriendFeed at the moment? Introducing QMeme Alpha, a list of what’s hot on FriendFeed at the moment among the people I follow.

When I say Alpha I really, really mean it. I discovered only hours ago that FriendFeed now offers a RSS feed for the “best of” pages. These pages display the best content from each users friends, so in my case it’s the best content based on the people I follow both now and in the future. The content is not as frequently updated as say Techmeme, but it is frequently updated based on the popularity of items on FriendFeed.

At this stage the page uses Sprout Builder to pull the RSS feed from FriendFeed and display it on the page. The way the feed is formatted makes it difficult to easily show who is liking or commenting on each item, so at this stage QMeme shows only the headline, author and links to the item. For future versions I intend of dropping Sprout Builder and parsing the feed locally, and also provide the supplemental information relating to each item. As I noted above though, it has been a matter of hours, and it’s the middle of the weekend here (and I have other plans ? ).

I may be the first to use FriendFeed’s data in this way, but I’m betting I won’t be the last. The age of the personal memetracker is here.

Enjoy, and if you want your content to have a chance of being included, add me as a friend on FriendFeed here, and I’ll follow you back within a day or two so you will be included in the tracking (I usually add people in batches).

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