Survey: Women dislike their Facebook friends, mostly

Deals site Eversave spoke to nearly 400 women about their feelings about their Facebook friends (men were inexplicably excluded) and found that out of the set of friends participants have, women were often judgmental or viewed their online contacts in unfavorable ways.

An unsurprising 83% of participants were sometimes irked by Facebook friends in the very un-scientific survey. 63% of those who reported displeasure with their Facebook friends cited whining as their top pet peeve, followed by bragging and political grandstanding.

The irritation index was illustrated by Mashable as such:

  • Share too many mundane updates too often (65%)
  • “Like” too many posts (46%)
  • Inappropriately or too frequently use Facebook to promote causes (40%)
  • Project false information or images of a perfect life (40%)

Among the Facebook archetypes identified by the survey were the “drama queen” and the “proud mother.” The Mashable post linked above has some infographics from the survey.

Out of all of the annoying things Facebook friends do, which push you over the edge? Do you hide certain friends on principle (like religious/atheist status updates, polls, passive-aggressiveness or fondness for games?) What precipitates a defriending?

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