The support for terrorism in the United States is growing at an exponential rate proven by the multiple articles reported on internet news sites. For the record, these reports aren’t just from sources branded to be pro-Israel, conservative, or Republican, but also from either unbiased, liberal, or Democratic websites. The Inquisitr reported numerous times on the United States supporting terrorist organizations such as the Hamas and ISIS. Chicago had a protest supporting Hamas and Palestine during a time when Israel and Gaza were bombarding each other with rockets as well as a pro-Palestinian group marching up to the White House in our nation’s capitol.
Recently, there have been reports of a Muslim student at the University of California in San Diego (UCSD) who openly admitted she supports the gathering of all Jews to Israel so they can easily be killed off.
According to an article by QPolitical , the Editor-In-Chief of Newsreal, David Horowitz, gave a lecture at UCSD to combat Apartheid Week which was set up by the Muslim Students Association (MSA). Some of the people, primarily students, have given the week the insulting moniker of “Hitler Youth Week” too. Anyways, during the question and answer portion of the talk, Horowitz had an interesting encounter with one of the MSA members, Jumanah Imad Albahri, in which he had to reveal the real intention of her visit at the meeting.
For clarification, Albahri asked what is her group’s connection to the jihad terrorist network. David Horowitz could have gone into a tirade in which he details connections but with the presence of a one of the members of the MSA questioning him, he had an opportunity to present to everyone the answer to her request when he asked the following.
“I’m a Jew. The head of Hezbollah has said that he hopes that we [Jews] will gather in Israel so he doesn’t have to have to hunt us down globally. For or against it?”
Jumanah Imad Albahri without any hesitation simply says two words in response to David Horowitz’s question. With that answer, there is a connection (though it may be one person) between MSA and the jihad terrorist network.
“For it.”
In a follow-up article by CiF Watch , Anita Casavantes Bradford, a graduate student at UCSD, made a statement about the dialogue between speaker and student.
“This girl is actually my student; I know her to be an intelligent, moral young woman who believes in peace. I do not support any organization that advocates violence against any specific group, nor do I believe that my student would do so. As a peace loving, Catholic teacher, I’m saddened that this speaker–her elder–manipulated the conversation in this fashion to make her look like someone she isn’t, out of an egotistical desire to prove his own point, rather than engaging in a constructive dialogue. A perfect example of why the peace process is limping foward so painfully. [sic]”
What do you think about this situation? Did David Horowitz truly establish a connection between the Muslim Student Association and jihad terrorist network through Jumanah Imad Albahri’s interaction? Or do you think Albahri was manipulated into a corner in which Horowitz would have came out on top no matter what?
[Image via Youtube Video Screencap]