President Donald Trump will deliver his first State of the Union address to Congress later today. Of course, Trump did address Congress last year but it wasn’t considered a State of the Union address because the president had only been in office for a matter of weeks. President Trump was widely praised, even by his opponents, for the conciliatory tone of that address, but his often belligerent tone in the year since leaves many commentators wondering which Donald Trump they will see in Congress this evening.
As reported by the Financial Times , President Trump is expected to use his speech to talk about immigration, national security, and jobs, and we can expect to hear much about the success of the U.S. economy since Trump’s inauguration. In a move that will delight his supporters, and infuriate his opponents, Trump is expected to push his plan to tie citizenship for “Dreamers” to funding for his much-denigrated plan to build a border wall with Mexico.
As reported by The Guardian , more than two dozen Dreamers have been invited to listen to Trump’s address by a Republican congressman, Carlos Curbelo of Florida, and by leading Democrats. A host of Trump opponents will also be present during the president’s address.
Billionaire Democratic Donor Tom Steyer Will Run Anti-Trump Adverts During The President’s Address
It is not known whether billionaire Democrat donor Tom Steyer will be in the House for President Trump’s State of the Union address, but it seems that Steyer is determined to use the speech to promote his anti-Trump message. According to the Independent , Steyer is paying to run adverts calling for Donald Trump’s impeachment during the high-profile event.
Steyer has already plowed over $40 million into funding his anti-Trump campaign. He will likely criticize Trump for firing former FBI Director James Comey, a matter that special counsel Robert Mueller is reportedly investigating as possible obstruction of justice. Steyer is also expected to attack President Trump’s record on the deportation of minors and over his “inflammatory” comments towards North Korea and its leader Kim Jong-un.
Tom Steyer is adamant that President Trump passed the threshold for impeachment proceedings against him long ago. The only question that remains, he says, is “whether members of Congress will allow him to get away with it.”
For any State of the Union address, it seems obvious to say that any president will have both supporters and opponents present in the House. It is perhaps ironic that some of President Trump’s fiercest critics will not be present. According to Vice News , at least eleven Democratic congressmen and women will boycott Trump’s address to the nation. Other’s, including Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, have said they will wear black during Trump’s address to show solidarity with the #MeToo movement.