The handicap spot. There is a rule that you should never use those parking spaces unless you’re actually, you know, handicapped.
Apparently the woman in the video below didn’t understand that portion of her driver’s education . Not only did this person use one at an elementary school, she accused the guy taking her picture of being a “jerk” for calling her out on it.
The video has enjoyed something of a resurgence this week after being posted to LiveLeak . In fact, it has been viewed close to two million times since debuting on the web late last year.
What many find to be so irritating about it is how the woman appears to humiliate her daughter at the beginning when she notices that the man is taking her picture.
A still image to open the video shows the mother flipping the person recording the video the bird while the young lady in the passenger’s seat looks straight ahead, seemingly mortified.
Then when it gets to the video portion, everything really spirals out of control with the handicap spot violator calling the man taking the video — presumably YouTuber Joshua Coleman — “rude” and a “jerk” for taking her picture when all he had to do was say, “Ma’am you know that’s kind of rude, could you move?”
(So apparently someone else being rude and violating the law is now the innocent’s responsibility.)
She also bombards him with profanities in front of the passers-by, which included teachers and elementary school students, before finally resorting to the classic, “Do you have any idea who I am?” and a “If my husband was here” comment.
Let the rage begin.
The person who originally shot the video was especially angry because he has a son, who is handicapped and needs those unloading zones to get his little boy in class in a timely manner.
Luckily, most of the people online and in the video itself saw how crazy the unnamed woman was, so regardless of “who this woman is,” public sentiment appears to firmly be on his side.
Even so, there were one or two commenters, who felt like Coleman went too far in humiliating the woman.
“Why do you have to be such a d****e about it? She was sitting in her car so she could have just moved if someone came along. It’s not like it affects anyone when there is nobody there… And she wasn’t parked in the no parking spot, she was waiting. D****e with camera is the bad guy.”
What do you think about the handicap spot spat in the video above? Sound off in the comments section.
[Image via screen grab from YouTube video, linked above]