Tana Goertz may be a woman, but she is not lending a sympathetic ear to Megyn Kelly supporters after her boss’ “Bloodgate” comment about the Fox News anchor.
Kelly threw some tough questions Trump’s way at Thursday’s debate, and that prompted “the Donald” to say that Kelly had “blood coming out of her wherever,” referencing directly her desire to make him look bad and indirectly what many believe to be her menstrual cycle.
(Trump later called anyone, who thought that’s what he meant, a bunch of “deviants,” and insisting he meant Kelly’s nose.)
Tana Goertz, leading the Trump campaign in Iowa, was recently asked to comment on the matter, the Daily Mail reports , and she responded with a very Trump-esque answer.
First, she stated that she was not offended by the remark of her boss and that because Kelly was being tough on Trump, she was “fair game.”
It was after this that she gave a cutdown truly befitting a billionaire.
“If you mess with the bull, you’re going to get the horns, sweetheart,” she said, addressing Kelly directly.
On Tana’s Instagram, she went to bat for her boss a bit more.
“With respect to the question, ‘How does @realdonaldtrump treat women,’ I’ve always been treated with the utmost respect and dignity by him. He treats men and woman [sic] with equal intensity. I am proud to say I work for @realdonaldtrump and the #trumpcampaign #trump #trump2016 #MAKEAMERICAGREATAGAIN @ivankatrump @laraleatrump @melaniatrumplovly”
Still, not everyone is happy with Trump and his comments and feuds. On Saturday morning, his campaign adviser Roger Stone stepped down (or was fired depending on whom you believe) because he felt the campaign was heading in the wrong direction with petty squabbling and needed to get back to the core issues.
(Stone still insists that Trump is the right man for the presidency in spite of leaving the campaign.)
For Megyn Kelly’s part, she has stayed relatively low key on the matter since dropping some bombshell questions on Trump at the first GOP debate last week.
This was the big question that started the whole feud.
What do you think of the fallout from Thursday night’s debate? Is Donald Trump stronger than ever now, or did he seal his fate by picking on Kelly?
And do you think Tana Goertz is right to insert herself into the situation? Sound off in the comments section.
[Image of Tana Goertz via Official Website]