Following his victory this week, which ensured Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu another term in office, the White House has been in no hurry to make contact to congratulate him on his win.
Online commentators, as well as numerous news outlets, have reported that this is due to fundamental disagreements in outlook between Netanyahu’s primarily right wing government, and Barack Obama’s worldview of not singling out radical Muslim terrorism.
For Israel, Obama’s Democratic worldview is of little interest, as despite being President and Commander-in-Chief, the bond between Congress, the American people, and Israel goes way beyond the temporary nature of the current Obama administration.
One close friend of Israel, U.S. House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner, was quick to congratulate Netanyahu on his election victory, which saw his Likud party gain 30 seats in the Israeli Knesset.
Boehner even mocked Obama’s cold response to the news from Israel, when asked by a reporter about the administration’s lukewarm response to Netanyahu’s win, Boehner said, “Lukewarm?” laughing hard.
Boehner added that he wanted to congratulate, “my friend, Benjamin Netanyahu, on his party’s victory this week. The grave threats that we face from radical Islam and from Iran.”
For Boehner, Netanyahu “was in the perfect position to help describe that threat to the American people and, for that matter, to the rest of the world.”
On winning the Israeli election, despite exit polls being wrong, Netanyahu said , “Against all odds, against all odds, we achieved this huge victory for Likud. We achieved the huge victory for our people. And I am proud, I am proud for the people of Israel that in the moment of truth, knew to make the right decision and to choose the real material things over immaterial things.”
It remains to be seen when or even if President Obama will do the right thing and contact Netanyahu to congratulate him on remaining the Prime Minister of one of America’s closest allies.