Amber Baker, a pregnant 20-year-old California mom, was reportedly killed in her bed while her 4-month old son laid just inches away. The unthinkable crime took place early Sunday morning, and police are still searching for the perpetrator. According to law enforcement, the young California mom was shot to death.
Pregnant California Mom Killed While Lying In Bed With 4-Month-Old Son via @OneRandom_Chick
— Folu (@awezome_folu) March 1, 2017
Investigators have confirmed that, just prior to the shocking murder, the pregnant 20-year-old had been hosting a party at her Fresno apartment, and several people were inside the residence at the time that Amber Baker was killed. As ABC 30 reports, Baker was just six weeks pregnant at the time of the murder, and that her infant, Ayden, was unharmed in the attack.
Fresno police claim that many of the people who had been at the pregnant California mom’s party were actually in her bedroom when she was killed. Reportedly, detectives are still in the process of tracking each and every potential suspect and witness down and interviewing them in order to get Baker’s murderer off of the street.
Fresno Police Department Lieutenant Joe Gomez of the Fresno Police Department explained the situation to the local media shortly after the news broke that the mom had been killed in her bed.
“The detectives are currently at the autopsy for the victim, trying to determine who was involved. A lot of people were here when we got here, and we’ve been working on the case since we got it that morning.”
While police continue to investigate the crime, diligently investigating who could have killed the young California mom, her bereaved family is struggling to to terms with Amber’s death. According to her father, Vance, the family is mired in grief and having a difficult time understanding how and why such a horrible crime could have taken place.
“We are sad, mad and confused and out hearts are split wide open. We can’t even focus on nothing but Amber. And this sad death to my daughter is so unfair.”
Whoever did this is so disgusting and heartless.. my heart breaks for her family ?
— Sonal Patel (@sonal1225) March 1, 2017
What a tragedy for that Californian lady who was killed in her own bed!It simply is outrageous!
— Donn Morgan Kipgen (@donn_morgan) March 1, 2017
Cassie Baker is the sister of the pregnant California mom killed over the weekend; she was also one of Amber’s four roommates at the Griffith Garden apartments. She claims that the young mom had invited several guests to their shared home for a party on Saturday night. People reports that Cassie left the gathering early because she’d been fighting with her sister. When she returned home the next morning, the pregnant California mom had already been killed.
According to Cassie, she learned of her sister’s death from one of their roommates, who had reportedly found Amber shot to death in bed, her infant son by her side.
Now, Cassie says she just wants to know who could have killed her sister and cut her life as a mom so tragically short.
“Who would want to do this to her? Me and her, we were unstoppable together.”
Pregnant California Mom Killed While Lying in Bed with 4-Month-Old Son: ‘Our Hearts Are Split Wide Open’
— ?????? ?????? (@rishig444) March 1, 2017
Cassie added that she has a theory about why her pregnant sister may have been targeted. Amber had reportedly just received a sizable tax refund, had even just purchased a vehicle the night before she was killed. According to Cassie, it was common knowledge that the pregnant California mom had just come into some money.
“And the only thing I can think of is that everybody could see that she had money. Everybody knew she got her taxes back. Honestly, that’s the only thing I can think of because my sister was just too nice. She was too kindhearted, she loved everyone.”
Police say that the gunshots that killed Amber were targeted at her upper body, and they are sure that at least one of the several people who were in the apartment when the pregnant mom was killed know something that could break the case. Investigators claim they are nearly as anxious as the California mom’s family to identify her murderer and get that person into custody.
However, according to investigators, there was no evidence at the scene that indicates that the pregnant California mom was robbed before being killed.
[Featured Image by Baker Family/GoFundMe]