An unnamed 14-year-old pregnant girl was beaten up by four of her family members who were trying to induce abortion.
According to a report by Dallas News , the teen was eight months pregnant as a result of being raped by one of her family members. Lonnell McDonald, 27; Cecila McDonald, 25; Sharon Jones, 45; and Cedric Jones, 27, were arrested on Tuesday and charged with organized criminal activity. The four are held in the Dallas County jail, with each of them having bail set at $150,000. As of this post, the relationship of the pregnant teen with the suspects is not known, but reports indicate that they are family members.
The incident occurred in 2013, but it was just on May 22 that a police report was filed. The teen said that she did not alert the authorities of the rape, as she was too embarrassed to do so. Thankfully, a witness to the beating took the teen to the police station to file charges against the four suspects.
The pregnant victim was allegedly brutally beaten by the four suspects for six hours. She was given birth control pills, cinnamon tablets, and Plan B pills to induce abortion. When their plan did not work, the four suspects reportedly bounced on the teen’s stomach and kicked her. The pregnant teen was in pain for a couple of hours before she had a miscarriage in the bathroom.
When Cecila first heard about the news that the teen was pregnant, she allegedly said to her, “You ain’t about to get my kids taken away from me.” She was worried that Child Protective Services would take away children from the home if they learned that the teen was pregnant and raped by a family member.
The suspects initially attempted to burn the body of the stillborn baby on a charcoal grill. However, the body was not destroyed. They had another plan to get rid of the evidence. After a couple of days, Sharon paid Cedric $25 to take care of the baby’s body. He then placed the body in a plastic bag and disposed it in an unknown location, as reported by the New York Daily News.
As reported by the Inquisitr , a similar incident happened in March wherein a pregnant woman was physically attacked by a man. The news report states that the man started beating the 22-year-old pregnant woman after he didn’t receive a “thank you” after he held a door open for her.
[Image via Dallas Morning News ]