Pit bulls tend to surprise, whether it is surprising to everyone or not. Normally, a loose pit bull would be a cause for alarm, but one police deputy found his encounter to be quite different. According to the Huffington Post , Lee County Sheriff’s Deputy Mark Elsaid in Florida assumed he had made a very typical discovery when he saw a dog roaming a neighborhood that he normally patrols.
Deputy Mark Elsaid spotted a pit bull wandering around without a leash and assumed any passerby or child was potentially in danger. However, what Deputy Mark Elsaid found was completely contrary to the stereotype. The lost pit bull just wanted to make friends. Public information officer Tiffany Wood said that the pit bull’s intentions were anything but sinister.
“[The pup] didn’t want to terrorize the neighborhood, he just got out of his gate, and just wanted to go and be friends with everybody. This dog just wanted to lick the officer and love him.”
Wood, who seemed to be an animal lover, stated that not all dogs are bad. She went as far to state “especially pit bulls.”
“Not all dogs are bad, especially pit bulls. We don’t always hear the best things about them, but this story shows they can be really loving and friendly. [Red] just wanted to play!”
Red had managed to make friends with the men and women in blue. According to ABC-13 , the deputies gave Red the pit bull the attention and playtime he was craving, and then returned him to his rightful owner. His owner stated the pit bull got out through an open gate. The sheriff’s office posted the story about their new found pit bull friend.
“This morning, deputies responded to an Animal call in South District. A large Pit Bull was running around and neighbors were worried. Upon arrival, the deputy discovered that this wonderful dog was just out looking for friends to play with. After sufficient play time and fun, deputies were able reunite the dog with his owners. A gate was accidentally left open and this beautiful dog was able to be taken back to his loving home.”
A commenter, who was also an officer, relayed a similar story where he responded to a loose pit bull case and got slobbered on. It ended up that pit bull wanted to be his official police dog. He showed this by jumping into the passenger seat.
Like the pit bull who became a mama to a kitten, as the Inquisitr reported, Red the pit bull gives a positive look at a breed that rarely sees it.
Certainly, there are cases of bad owners who raise bad dogs, but every case is the same. Similarly, not all dogs are the same.
[Image Via Lee County Sheriff Department ]