Neil Patrick Harris is standing up for the rights of a child who marched in the Orange County Pride Parade. The young boy, whom parents called “gender creative,” walked in the parade with his parents who held signs saying, “I love my gender creative son!” and “My son wears dresses & makeup … Get over it!!”
While Neil Patrick Harris champions the rights of LGBTQ individuals, James Woods evidently wasn’t as impressed. After seeing the sign, Woods took to Twitter to talk about how he felt about the signs.
“This is sweet. Wait until this poor kid grows up, realizes what you’ve done, and stuffs both of you dismembered into a freezer in the garage,” Woods wrote.
Neil Patrick Harris knew the family in question and was less than impressed by Woods’ words.
“Utterly ignorant and classless, Mr. Woods. I’m friends with this family. You know not of what you speak, and should be ashamed of yourself.”
James Woods has yet to respond to Neil Patrick Harris’ Tweet to him, or justify why he felt such harsh words about the parents and the child were acceptable.
The family in question runs a blog entitled “Raising My Rainbow” and have applauded Neil Patrick Harris for sticking up for their son, C.J.
C.J. wrote on Twitter, “Still processing much of the last 24 hours. But I know for sure, @ActuallyNPH is class act and our village assembles at a moment’s notice.”
C.J.’s mother, Lori, wrote a long and reflective post about her son’s first Pride Parade. She stated that C.J. had a great time and told her that he wished the parade was even longer than it was. He also told his mother that he is thinking of coming to the Pride Parade in 2018 in drag but hasn’t made the decision yet.
Lori stated that her son had so much fun that he called it one of the best days of his life and asked to stay after his parents were ready to leave and go home in a taxi. Unfortunately for C.J., his parents were not in agreement with that.
According to Lori, her son is often the subject of stares and whispers because he doesn’t stick to the gender prescriptions of masculinity. But at Pride, he was all smiles, and no one seemed to bat an eyelid when it came to her son’s gender identity.
Lori is not the only one who is grateful to Neil Patrick Harris for standing up for equality. The Human Rights Campaign publicly thanked him for helping all children be loved and accepted for who they are.
[Featured Image by Bryan Bedder/Stringer/Getty Images and Slaven Vlasic/Stringer/Getty Images]