A self-appointed “Muslim Enforcer” who assaulted a teenage boy for snuggling with his girlfriend has been sentenced to two years and four months for the attack, the Daily Mail is reporting .
Michael Coe, 35, is a career criminal known around London, with a rap sheet dating back decades. Years ago, while serving time for shooting at police officers, Coe was led into the world of radical Islam by a fellow inmate. In prison, he converted to Islam, and by the time of his release, had made his way into the inner circle of Anjem Choudary. Choudray is known around England as a Muslim “hate preacher.”
Friend of hate preacher Anjem Choudary is at the centre of a fresh BBC row https://t.co/aGV7lDMbMY #abolishthetvlicence pic.twitter.com/tZJMVNiPAh
— TVLicenceResistance (@tvlr) November 28, 2016
Coe attended a 2011 rally celebrating the tenth anniversary of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks in the U.S., and has called for Sharia Law in the U.K.
Gatestone Institute: Police Ignored Anjem Choudary As They Persecuted Tommy Robinson https://t.co/U53WNJl7ky pic.twitter.com/qd9ADUdESS
— SayNoToTheTPP (@kencampbell66) November 28, 2016
In 2013, Coe was convicted of an incident in which he took it upon himself to enforce Sharia law, accosting and assaulting an 18-year-old Muslim woman for talking with non-Muslim friends.
“Why are you talking to them, it goes against your religion?”
On April 15 of this year, Coe was driving around the London neighborhood of “East Ham” when he came across a teenage boy and teenage girl cuddling and hugging. That didn’t sit well with the so-called “ Muslim Enforcer .” He began accosting the 16-year-old boy, according to The Guardian .
“Let that schoolgirl go. How would you like it if your sister was cuddling?”
He then asked the teens if they were Muslim. The teens say they feared Coe would become enraged if they admitted they were Muslims, so they denied it. Coe then called the 16-year-old girl a “whore” before grabbing the boy by the next, throwing him to the ground, and kicking him.
A passer-by attempted to snap a picture of the license plates on Coe’s getaway car. Seeing this, Coe turned around and issued a beating to the passer-by, identified as teacher Boutho Siwela.
In August, Coe was convicted of assault occasioning actual bodily harm.
In court last week for his client’s sentencing hearing, Coe’s attorney, Naeem Mian, denied that Coe saw himself as a “Muslim enforcer,” and said that Coe has since learned that he has a “limited view” of Islam. He also told a jury that, while in prison awaiting trial, Coe had been the subject of vicious attacks from other inmates, including being stabbed and having boiling water poured on him.
Coe asked the judge for a sentence that would have allowed him to walk away a free man.
Judge Michael Gledhill QC didn’t see things that way, and instead sentenced Coe to two years and four months behind bars.
“You stopped to reprimand them and you were acting as a self-appointed enforcer of your interpretation at the time of how a Muslim should behave.”
Meanwhile, the impact of Coe’s crime against the teenage couple extends beyond his prosecution. The couple have broken up, and the teenage boy continues to live in fear — fear of Coe, and fear of other men in the Muslim community who may be disposed to pick up where Coe left off.
“He says he is now worried and scared by older men and what they might do — he doesn’t know the man who did this to him but he is very scared for his life if he comes into contact with him again.”
Do you believe “Muslim Enforcer” Michael Coe got the appropriate sentence?
[Featured Image by London Metropolitan Police]