Teens are often in the news for their failed and controversial sexting attempts but it turns out mom and dad are also starting to pick up on the practice. A recent study found that it’s not just teens but also parents who are engaging in a bit of sexting fun.
A recent Harris Interactive survey questioned 2,097 adults about their sexting habits and one in five moms and dads with children younger than 18-years-old admitted to using their smartphones to sext.
In fact parents are only slightly less likely to sext than overall adults. According to the study 26% of adults admitted to taking or receiving explicit photos.
In comparison 40% of younger adults aged 18 to 34 say they sext. On the opposite side of the spectrum 10% of adults 55-years and older say they have received or sent explicit images over the phone.
We have known for some time that plenty of-age adults sext, just take a look at former U.S. Representative Anthony Weiner and actress Scarlett Johansson .
Study’s have focused on youth sexting, for example an MTV survey found that 15% of youth between 14 and 24 have sent nude videos or photos while 21% say they have received those images.
In a former study it was believed that only 1% of adults engaged in sexting.
In the meantime the company Lookout , which offers mobile security suggests that parents turn off push notifications for text messages and set passcode to avoid embarrassing situations with their children, family, co-workers and friends. The company also suggests a remote wipe feature to protect your phone should it become stolen or end up lost.