Little 2-year-old Noah Chamberlin, who has been the subject of expansive searches through the Tennesee woods by police, FBI, and TBI, has finally been found after going missing nearly a week ago. Sadly, the story of tiny Noah Chamberlin’s escapades has ended in tragedy.
A happy toddler, Noah Chamberlin loved to run and hide. While on a hike in the woods with his grandma and 4-year-old sister, Noah disappeared in the blink of an eye, reports the Daily Mail . Apparently, his grandma took the kids just behind her house for a walk in the woods, and while she had her head turned for just a moment, Noah was gone, said Madison County Sheriff’s Office spokesman Tom Mapes.
“They sat down to talk and she was paying attention to the granddaughter, and when she turned around he was gone. She immediately went to look for him.”
Although police have interviewed the Chamberlin family countless times and found them blameless, calling the incident a “tragic accident,” Noah’s parents have been under scrutiny and suspicion from the public.
RT @wsfa12news #BREAKING : Chester County Sheriff reports body of Noah Chamberlin has been found.…
— Opelika Daily News (@OpelikaDailyNew) January 21, 2016
According to the Jackson Sun , Chester County Sheriff Blair Weaver feels confident that Jacob and Destiny Chamberlin had no part in Noah’s disappearance. In fact, there is no suspicion of foul play surrounding the incident whatsoever.
“We have interviewed the entire family multiple times. We can find no reason, none whatsoever, to discredit them.”
That has not stopped individuals from calling in with claims that Noah Chamberlin was buried in wet concrete, beneath an outhouse somewhere on, or near the family property. However, those horrific rumors have been proven false.
It is easy to judge a parent for losing sight of their child, especially when the end is so tragic, like that of Noah Chamberlin. But if we are truthful, we can likely see that we have all had a panicked moment where a child was not in the same spot we last saw them.
One of the worst moments in my own life happened when my nephew got lost at a crowded carnival at dusk. He was maybe 4-years-old. One minute he was there, the next he was not. My sister, panic-stricken, asked me if I had him. I thought I did, but the little boy standing next to me where Jeramiah had been was definitely not my nephew.
My sister and I, our husbands, and five teenagers, along with police and security officers, combed the grounds over and over again. I began to think we weren’t going to find him. Terrifying images swirled through my mind as I frantically searched the constantly changing crowd for any sign of my precious little guy.
For some reason, my sister decided to walk to her car, a very long trek, to see if he was there. By the grace of God, he was! He got scared when he couldn’t find us and made his way back to the only place he knew we would find him.
That was 13 years ago, and I’m still overcome with emotion when I think about it.
Toddler Noah Chamberlin found dead one week after disappearance #FindNoah
— Mashable (@mashable) January 22, 2016
Imagine how devastated the Chamberlin family is with the news that Noah did not survive, and public suspicion heaped on top of tragedy.
Fortunately, the community where Noah Chamberlin lived has come together in support of Noah’s parents. From joining the search to find the missing toddler to grieving over the loss of Noah, those who know the Chamberlin family are doing what they can to help.
Noah Chamberlin’s mom and dad are known as “good Christians” who would never harm their children. My heart goes out to them, and I’m sending up prayers for their well-being as they begin the journey through grief to healing.
Have you had a similar moment where your child or a child in your care has gone missing? Share your experience with us.
[Image via Shutterstock]