The excerpts from Michael Wolff’s shocking book, Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House , continue to provide a revealing look inside the Trump administration, as well as the 12-year marriage of President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump. As reported by the Inquisitr , previous excerpts from the tome that have gone viral feature the author alleging that Trump played a trick on men whose wives he wanted to get into bed by bringing the men into his office and asking them personal questions about their sex lives as their wives listened in secretly on the speakerphone.
Now, more excerpts have alleged that Melania and Donald don’t necessarily see much of each other – even when they both lived in Trump Tower together. As reported by Marie Claire , the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Trump was an odd one, with Melania and POTUS allegedly going days without seeing one another or even speaking. The Fire and Fury book doesn’t just point to the time when Melania delayed moving to the White House in order for Barron Trump to finish school, but notes a time when Melania and Donald were in close proximity in Trump Tower, but still did not see one another.
Melania Trump Didn’t Know Where Donald Was, Went Days Without Contact, Even When They Were Both In Trump Tower
“Donald Trump’s marriage was perplexing to almost everybody around him—or it was, anyway, for those without private jets and many homes. He and Melania spent relatively little time together. They could go days at a time without contact, even when they were both in Trump Tower. Often she did not know where he was, or take much notice of that fact. Her husband moved between residences as he would move between rooms.”
According to Newsweek , plenty of Melania’s time was spent with a laser-like focus on raising 11-year-old Barron. That was before her husband won the presidency and it forced Melania out of her tower in order to perform the duties of a first lady. Although Trump’s nickname for Melania wasn’t first lady, but rather “Trophy Wife,” according to the sensational book.
While Trump reportedly talked often of his wife, much of the talk included a focus on Melania’s appearance. Wolff said that by Trump complimenting his wife’s good looks, it made for an awkward situation for Melania when they were around other people.
“He spoke of Melania frequently when she wasn’t there. He admired her looks—often, awkwardly for her, in the presence of others. She was, he told people proudly and without irony, a ‘trophy wife.’ And while he may not have quite shared his life with her, he gladly shared the spoils of it. ‘A happy wife is a happy life,’ he said, echoing a popular rich-man truism.”
On Amazon, the Fire and Fury book’s hardcover version appeared to be sold out on Friday, January 5, with the retailer noting that it “usually ships within 2 to 4 weeks.” The Kindle version of the book states that the “item will be released on January 5th at 9:00 A.M. Eastern.”