Mass Effect: Andromeda ‘s romance and sex options are causing a controversy weeks before the game’s upcoming release date after a developer said the game will feature “full nudity.” To add some fuel to the flame, the developer – BioWare’s general manager Aaryn Flynn – also described the game as “softcore space porn.”
Following the two statements, some critics are saying Mass Effect: Andromeda is heading into porn territory in order to appease its young fans, while other fans are rushing to defend the game and its developers on Twitter.
Mass Effect Andromeda’s release date is March 23, and it is the fourth sequel in the popular sci-fi gaming franchise Mass Effect . Other than futuristic guns, distant planets, and intricate science fiction plots, the previous games in the series also included “romance” and sex options with alien races.
The Mass Effect romance scenes always included the depiction of some sexual activities, but never with full frontal nudity. The game series’ previous protagonist, Commander Shepherd (who will be replaced in the new game), had the option of pursuing romantic relationships with the other squad members – both straight and gay, both humans and aliens – which would lead to short scenes of pixels on your screen having sex.
Although Mass Effect: Andromeda ‘s ESRB rating has not been published yet, it was originally believed the game will get a “Mature” rating due to violence, strong sexual language, and “partial nudity.” ESRB, the Entertainment Software Rating Board, is the American organization responsible for assigning age and content ratings for computer and video games.
A few days ago, however, Aaryn Flynn – general manager of BioWare, the company developing the game – took to Twitter to further explain Mass Effect Andromeda’s romance options and sexual depictions, as Metro reports. According to Flynn, the game has lost its “partial nudity” rating – for a “full nudity” one.
Remember. We lost the “partial nudity” rating and got full “nudity”.
— Aaryn Flynn (@AarynFlynn) February 26, 2017
The controversy continued when one of the game’s fans on Twitter jokingly tweeted that now her husband will look at her in disgust when she’s playing the game, asking her if this is “space porn.” Aaryn Flynn answered with another tweet, this time defining the game as “softcore porn.”
Yes it’s totally softcore space porn
— Aaryn Flynn (@AarynFlynn) February 26, 2017
Mass Effect Andromeda’s romance options are one of the more heavily discussed aspects of the game. Last year, BioWare’s Creative Director Mac Walters spoke with IGN and promised some improvements to the way relationships are handled in the soon to be released game.
“In the past we’ve been very, eh, I’d say somewhat formulaic in the way we presented them. We’re trying to look at more organic ways to have those relationships evolve… How you engage in those types of relationships and the gating around them throughout the timeline of the story.”
Past Mass Effect relationships were also often criticized for being a very technical affair as if you were checking items and character conversations off a checklist, which would lead to a short sex scene. Following the virtual intercourse, the characters would sometimes ignore that thing that happened moments before, and the alien fighting would continue as if nothing happened.
BioWare’s Mac Walters promised some changes in that department as well, making relationships progress more in accordance with each character’s temperament.
“Some people may be more standoffish and will take a little longer to warm up. That’s just natural human nature, and alien nature apparently, too.”
In addition, last month, Mass Effect Andromeda ‘s producer, Michael Gamble, also tweeted about the upcoming game’s romance options. When a fan straight out asked “Who could I bang?”, the producer promised a “pretty good” experience in that department.
so many. And the banging is pretty good.
— Michael Gamble (@GambleMike) January 13, 2017
With Mass Effect Andromeda ‘s release date getting closer, fans are eager to see what changes it will bring with it to the series and its formulas. Whether it’s about the action, the story, the alien races, or – now – Mass Effect Andromeda’s romance and nudity bits, BioWare have a lot of expectations to hold up to.
[Featured Image by BioWare]