Kim Kardashian and her “baby troubles” have fans and media reacting. But it might be better to put the whole thing into “normal” perspective first.
The Kardashian baby, Saint West, is said to be putting Kim through the wringer. Via Kim Kardashian’s Twitter, she expressed that Baby Saint is keeping her up at night. Along with Kim’s daughter, the baby has been that “extra motivation” to stay awake into the early morning. Last night, things looked positive for her and caused her to express herself on Twitter.
wait its 8:30 my kids are bathed,fed &asleep! U have no idea what this means 2 me! I don’t even know what 2 do with this free time! #momlife
— Kim Kardashian West (@KimKardashian) January 25, 2016
While grateful for the early bedtime, Kim was awakened within the 4 o’clock hour to feed the baby. Shortly after, Kardashian posted the following tweet.
This 4 am feeding really kills me. I’m like delirious????????????????????????
— Kim Kardashian West (@KimKardashian) January 25, 2016
Although this particular Kardashian is a busy woman, her baby is giving her no more troubles than any other newborn gives its mother, right? Plus, Kim has already gone through this with North West. She knew exactly what responsibilities would come with having another baby. While many people are taking her comments too seriously, it should be known that Kim was probably just voicing regular, normal, “motherly” concerns.
Moreover, Kim Kardashian has help if she would need it. Baby Saint has several aunts — not to mention the Kardashian’s ability to hire help. All mothers go through these baby-induced insomnia-like states.
As can be seen from Extra TV , Kim Kardashian’s face has made it to the court of public opinion as well.
In Kourtney’s recent Instagram post, Kim’s face supposedly looks “different.” As reported by Radar Online , she allegedly underwent plastic surgery recently.
Considering her size during pregnancy, her face had gotten bigger. While several speculations point to serious image manipulation — specifically around her nose — Kardashian has lost significant weight on her own.
Morning Jog
— Kim Kardashian West (@KimKardashian) January 25, 2016
Celebrities in the limelight, such as this Kardashian, are known to keep up appearances. Likewise, Kim does a great job of that. It’s not like Kim Kardashian brought the baby into the world months ago. We’re talking a month ago. Realistically, are there not mothers who, a year later, still have issues losing baby weight?
Kim Kardashian needs time to enjoy her baby and be a mother. After birthing a child, the mother is supposed to rest for at least, six weeks from certain “activities.” So, just for kicks, the general public should let her rest from dealing with its criticism for a while. At least give her two more two weeks, no?
In an effort to prepare John Legend’s wife, Chrissy Teigen — former Sports Illustrated model, Kim Kardashian gave her a hint about pregnancy via Twitter as well.
Ohhhhh just you wait and see…. Lol
— Kim Kardashian West (@KimKardashian) January 25, 2016
In an interview with Vogue , Chrissy commented on her pregnancy and also mentioned Ms. Kardashian’s baby bump as well.
“I always wanted to be the person who showed off the bump because it looks beautiful and I think you should embrace it. I love seeing that belly of hers and I know Kanye does, too — we’re lucky to be with men who find pregnancy sexy.”
Even with Kim, pregnancy is supposed to be a beautiful experience, not a stressfully critical one. What if she had allowed public stress to affect her and Baby Saint? What if it had caused a miscarriage? For how long would she have been under scrutiny? These are real-world problems that still affect celebrities no different than non-celebrities.
While Kim Kardashian may have complained about restless nights, it’s just typical, parental events that happen when you have a baby. It was really nothing to blow up over, right?
What are your thoughts? Feel free to share them in the comments.
[Image via Instagram]