Kellyanne Conway took to Twitter to blast Morning Joe Scarborough and co-host/fiancee Mika Brzezinski for claiming that, when the microphone was turned off, she admitted disliking President Trump and is only in it for the money.
According to the MSNBC couple who finally publicly acknowledged their own long-rumored, off-camera relationship, Conway also supposedly confided in an off-camera exchange during the campaign that she needed to “take a shower” after shilling for Trump on a Morning Joe episode. They also claimed that Conway compared her White Service service as something along the lines of a summer vacation. As expected, various news outlets picked up this alleged behind-the scenes revelation of disloyalty.
A businesswoman who ran her own polling company, a lawyer, and mother of four, Conway is the first woman to successfully manage a U.S. presidential campaign to victory and is now the counselor to the president.
Both Scarborough, an ex-Florida GOP congressman, and “Morning Mika,” a longtime TV journalist and liberal Democrat who is the daughter of President Jimmy Carter’s national security advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski, have been both on and off the Trump train, alternately praising and then bitterly feuding with Donald Trump during and after the election campaign.
At this point, in line with the New York-Washington media consensus and the controversy du jour, they have settled in to all-out opposition to the 45th president.
Kellyanne Conway was banned from Morning Joe in February, so evidently her only option perhaps came in using social media to respond to the MSNBC hosts, writing in part that she took a pay cut to uproot her family and move from New Jersey to D.C. to become one of the president’s key advisors.
“The notion that I am serving for ‘the money’ or a ‘paycheck’ is absurd. As campaign manager, I made a fraction of what other consultants have made on unsuccessful presidential campaigns. Then I walked away from dozens of opportunities for millions of dollars, and instead walked into the White House. I would do it again. It is a privilege to assist President Trump in the White House, just as it was during the campaign. I know him, I respect him, I believe in him, and I am confident in his capacity to be a transformative and successful President.
Taking a moment from more important matters to respond ….
— Kellyanne Conway (@KellyannePolls) May 16, 2017
While noting that Kellyanne Conway did not explicitly reject the shower anecdote, and readers can draw their own individuals conclusions from that, Powerline claimed that another agenda is in play.
“The real beef is with Donald Trump, whom folks like Mika Brzezinski deemed an unacceptable candidate. The fact that they strongly preferred pro-Clinton talking points to pro-Trump ones, coupled with the fact that a female was working so effectively against Clinton, was (and remains) the source of the animosity.”
Related story:
‘Morning Joe’ Scarborough And Mika Brzezinski Are Engaged To Be Married
It would hardly be anomaly for lawmakers and political operatives of any ideology, as well as celebrities and others in the public eye, to harbor private views that differ from their TV presentation. As Tucker Carlson observed, however, on his FNC show Tucker Carlson Tonight , the Morning Joe crew seemed to violate an established protocol by their revealing an alleged off-air conversation to a nationwide audience. He went to argue that it’s all about Trump.
“Many journalists believe it’s literally impossible to be unfair to Donald Trump or the people who work for him. Extremism in the pursuit of Trump is no vice. That’s the view in newsrooms, and you hear it in conversations all around Washington, a city that voted 91 percent for Hillary Clinton last fall…They’ve succumbed to Trump hatred that is so intense, it has destroyed their judgment, and in some cases, affected their character…While normal people the president’s flaws, and they do exist, they see crimes and conspiracies…”
According to CNS News , MSNBC removed the Kellyanne Conway-related Morning Joe clip from its website, but the exchange is included in the Tucker Carlson video above.
[Featured Image by Richard Drew/AP Images]