Justin Bieber is being sued in a lawsuit filed by a man who claims the singer’s bodyguards beat him outside a nightclub in New York last year.
Wayne Rennalls , a 23-year-old actor-model, alleges he was assaulted by Bieber’s security in a parking lot of the South Pointe nightclub in Southampton, New York in the early hours of August 4, 2013.
Note: Rennalls subsequently widened his claim and said the singer actually participated in the alleged attack. He later dropped that part of his claim. An E! report revealed sources confirmed Bieber did not physically touch Rennalls at the club or outside.
Five days later, Rennalls — then sporting a black eye — called a press conference with a lawyer to announce that he was filing a personal injury lawsuit against Bieber. He alleged he was attacked by the Canadian and his bodyguards over “jealousy” related to a waitress and girls in the club.
At the time, police investigated the alleged incident. Law enforcement sources informed the New York Daily News Rennalls may not be the victim he claimed to be.
“It will likely turn out that Rennalls instigated the fight,” sources told the publication. “One of Justin’s bodyguards was also injured in the confrontation, which has not been reported.”
Bieber’s rep previously said the singer was “not involved in any altercation.”
Fast forward to now. TMZ reports Wayne has filed a new lawsuit that focuses only on the singer’s security team.
Rennalls’ lawsuit argues that as the bodyguards are on Bieber’s payroll, the singer is liable for their alleged actions. He is suing the singer and the club for an unspecified amount for alleged pain and distress.
According to court papers, Wayne also accuses the Southampton club of allegedly serving alcohol to the then 19-year-old singer.
Wayne claimed that he approached a waitress getting into a SUV with Bieber at the end of the night to ask her to return a bow tie she had borrowed, and that this annoyed the “Baby” singer and his security team.
“ Justin Bieber [was] still running his mouth and I took my shirt off to fight,” Rennalls said.
“That’s when they all hopped out of the truck and bum-rushed me. They said, ‘That’s your f***ing a**,’ and the first one came to me, and I put my hands up to fight, to protect myself. He [Bieber] got around and kicked me.”
At the time, a source told the New York Post ,
“One of the waitresses… was flirtatiously wearing a bow tie, which one of the guys on the next table had loaned to her.”
“As she got into Bieber’s SUV, the guys chased her out, saying they wanted the bow tie back. Bieber’s security pushed back, and a scuffle started. As Bieber and his team drove away, someone threw a rock at his car.”
“Bieber jumped out of the sun roof and got on the hood of the car, while his security knocked the guy to the floor,” the source added.
However, one of the waitresses who left the club with Bieber’s group, subsequently offered a different interpretation of Rennall’s behavior and his friends.
Sophia Rayo, 32, and co-worker Diana Bhokasub, 24, were witnesses to the brawl.
“Everyone is trying to portray Justin in a negative light and he had nothing to do with it,” Rayo said. “Everyone was involved, we almost got out [of the car]. It was just some silly thing about a bow tie. It was a dumb thing. Guys just have testosterone.”
Speaking specifically about the video footage of the brawl , Rayo said it failed to show the provocation she claims was hurled at Bieber and his crew by Rennalls and his pals.
Rayo noted, “The one thing you don’t see in the video is that his friends were calling Justin names, anything that would get a normal person worked up. And one thing led to another and his friends got knocked to the floor.”
The waitress also says she did not see the “Beauty and a Beat” singer tell his bodyguards to do anything to Rennalls.
“I personally think the guy was starting with Justin and was aggressive because he wanted to get him involved because it’s Justin Bieber and he’s a celebrity,” Sophia added.
“I think that people start with people sometimes because they want to get hit and look like the big guy in the crew.”
[Photo: Bieber in the South Pointe nightclub, Southampton, New York on August 4, 2013)