Jenelle Evans, one of the stars of Teen Mom , has become a contender for biggest drama queen on the reality TV show. Amid secret hospitalizations, Jenelle is coping with charges that her former fiancé, Nathan Griffith, allegedly stole her car. A warrant was issued for Evans’ baby daddy , reported Radar Online .
There’s a silver lining for Jenelle, because she just got a new car, an insider revealed to Radar.
“Jenelle got a new car, so she’s more than happy,” said the source.
In addition to filing charges that Nathan stole her car, Evans accused Griffith of nabbing some of her belongings that are worth about $1,000. As for issuing a warrant for Griffith’s arrest, there were initially a few problems, according to law enforcement.
“A misdemeanor warrant is not something we normally send someone out on,” explained Lt. Brewer of the New Hanover County Sheriffs Department. “Additionally he does not live in this county. So unless he turns himself in or gets stopped by law enforcement for some reason, the warrant will most likely go un-served until one of those two things happen.”
Maxed out when it comes to stress, Jenelle has been hospitalized three times and is reportedly attempting to keep it secret. But, a source told Radar that Evans was advised that her problems stem from anxiety. However, Evans contends that it’s is something else, and is awaiting the results of tests.
“She’s in bed in pain,” added the source.
Jenelle’s boyfriend David Eason is worried about her, according to the same insider.
“David is very worried,” the source revealed.
Adding to the stress, Jenelle has been battling her ex regarding his rights to visit Kaiser, the little boy that they share. Their son is only 1-year-old.
It may change the situation now that Evans’ exhas turned himself in, revealed Radarin an update.
Jenelle filed the original larceny charges on January 24, and an arrest warrant then was issued. On February 3, Griffith turned himself in on the warrant. Nathan, 27, is facing charges of misdemeanor larceny.
“Nathan turned himself in on the warrant that was issued for misdemeanor larceny,” clarified the criminal lawyer for Friffith.
The attorney, Megan Milliken, accompanied Griffith to the police.
“He came in at about 10 AM,” said Lt. Jerry Brewer of the New Hanover County Sheriffs Office in Wilmington, North Carolina. “He did come with his attorney.”
As for his future since turning himself in, Nathan does not have to stay in custody, said Milliken.
“He was given an unsecured bond and what that means is that he did not have to ‘put up’ any money; instead, he was only required to promise to attend all of his court dates,” she added.
Although he did have to appear before the magistrate, it was quickly over.
“He’s not being held,” clarified Lt. Brewer. “He didn’t get a bond. Technically he was taken into custody to go in front of the magistrate, but the magistrate just made him sign a promissory note. He’s out and about. He was taken in front of the magistrate, but that in custody time was probably about three minutes.”
The process was simple after Jenelle’s ex appeared at the police station. He went to the front desk, was patted down to check for weapons, and had handcuffs put on him, according to Lt. Brewer. He was then taken to the magistrate, where the handcuffs were removed and the process completed.
“North Carolina is one of just a few jurisdictions in the United States where a private citizen can go to a magistrate and obtain a warrant on another private citizen. That is what happened in this case,” revealed Nathan’s attorney.
“Ms. Evans, after speaking to law enforcement, then went to the New Hanover County Magistrate’s office and swore out a warrant. What that means is that law enforcement did not issue this warrant. This was something that Jenelle Evans did on her own initiative,” said the lawyer, adding that her client will appear in court March 7.
As for what Jenelle is hoping to do in the future? Evansis dreaming big by launching a website resembling that of the Kardashian sisters, reported She Knows.
Just like the stars of Keeping Up With The Kardashians , Jenelle is providing memories, photos, workout secrets, and details on intimate topics. While Khloé and Kim Kardashian recently released books, Evans shared she’s planning on penning her own book too.
Jenelle hyped her book plans in an entry on her new website. “Later on I found out there was a huge reason behind that. I’ll save that for my book,” she teased in a post.
[Photo by Robin Marchant/Getty Images]