X-Men fans are all set to mourn Hugh Jackman’s departure as Wolverine, as the Australian actor is due to bow out as the beloved mutant in next month’s Logan . But while Hugh Jackman is adamant that Logan will mark his final performance as Wolverine, he’s now revealed that he would have starred in one more film as the character if an Avengers crossover was in the pipeline.
Hugh Jackman made this admission to Screen Rant , confessing that because it wasn’t forthcoming, and didn’t look like it was happening, he decided to make Logan his final outing.
“If that was on the table when I made my decision, it certainly would have made me pause. That’s for sure. Because I always love the idea of him within that dynamic, with the Hulk obviously, with Iron Man but there’s a lot of smarter people with MBAs who can’t figure that out [laughter]. You never know.”
While this answer is a little cagey, Hugh Jackman soon doubled down and insisted that if Marvel and 20th Century Fox had been able to work out a deal, he’d have stayed on as Wolverine.
“At the moment, honestly, if I really did have them there, I probably wouldn’t have said this is the last. It just feels like this is the right time [to leave the character].”
Earlier this month, when Hugh Jackman sat down to talk to the New York Times during his mammoth promotional tour for Logan, he gave himself a little more leeway for possibly returning as Wolverine. While he once again admitted that he currently had no plans to return, he did confess that he might change his mind in a couple of years time.
“When I had the script, I was like, ‘Yes.’ And when I was shooting the movie, ‘Yes.’ As I sit here today, ‘Yes.’ God knows how I’ll feel in three years. But right now, absolutely.”
Of course, there’s one man who is very, very keen on trying to convince Hugh Jackman to return as Wolverine. While Jackman has spent the last few months insisting that he is leaving the role, Ryan Reynolds has been saying the polar opposite. In fact, he’s been trying to convince Jackman to return as Wolverine for a Deadpool crossover.
But Hugh Jackman hasn’t taken the bait. Instead, he’s explained that the timing just isn’t going to work out for the desired film. Hugh Jackman once again made this perfectly clear during a recent Facebook live discussion, via Bustle , to promote Logan, while he also pointed out that Deadpool clearly doesn’t need Wolverine to thrive.
“Look, if that movie had appeared 10 years ago, probably a different story. But I knew two and a half years ago that [ Logan ] was the last one. The first call I made was to [director James Mangold]. I said, ‘Jim, I got one more shot at this.’ And as soon as Jim came up with the idea and we worked on it, I was never more excited. But, it feels like the right time… Deadpool, go for it man, do your thing. You don’t need me.”
We’ve now just got one week to wait until Logan is finally with us, as Hugh Jackman’s farewell will be released on March 3. At the same time, the latest rumor is that Deadpool 2 will finally go into production in August, and previous speculation had suggested that it will be released at some point in 2018. Fingers crossed that Ryan Reynolds has convinced Hugh Jackman to return as Wolverine in the film for at least a cameo.
[Featured Image by 20th Century Fox]