The Twitter page belonging to Hannah Chanpong ( @hannahfc ) is receiving plenty of attention after a tweet being attributed to Chanpong began making the rounds online. Hannah is a journalist for CBS News , whose own Twitter profile notes that Chanpong is on the campaign trail with Clinton — a fact that makes the tweet all the more important.
As seen in the following screenshot, the Twitter tweet that Hannah allegedly published claimed that a source from within the Clinton camp said Hillary’s staff is quitting amid concerns that Clinton will drop out of the presidential race after the FBI releases information about Hillary.
The screenshot purportedly from Chanpong’s Twitter account shows that it was published on Friday, September 2 at 3:09 p.m.
The tweet had supposedly received at least 198 “favorites,” so says the screenshot, which is a big clue that the tweet being attributed to Hannah is a hoax. As reported by the Verge , Twitter killed off their “favorites” verbiage in 2015 and replaced them with the “likes” language. Therefore, if Hannah had really tweeted a post on Friday about Hillary potentially dropping out of the race, it would not have had the “favorites” language.
Another big clue that this could be a Twitter screenshot that has been the victim of a Photoshop hoax is that the tweet could not be found indexed by Google, nor could the Google cache of the tweet be located merely one day after it was allegedly published to Twitter.
Also, searching on Google for the exact language in the tweet, such as “ source inside Clint. camp ,” turns up smaller publications, as of this writing, publishing reports about the news. If a CBS News reporter had actually tweeted news about Hillary potentially dropping out of the presidential race, it more than likely would have been picked up by larger publications.
The likely Twitter hoax took advantage of the timing of the FBI’s release of Hillary’s confidential interviews from their investigation into Clinton’s private email server scandal. The FBI released the information on Friday, September 2, the same day the alleged tweet was published by Hannah to Twitter, with claims that Chanpong immediately deleted the tweet.
Within Clinton’s interview , as reported by CNN ?, Hillary often said she could not remember lots of the information and events surrounding the scandal.
Meanwhile, on social media, people are peppering Hannah’s Twitter account with comments about the screenshot or the actual screenshot itself. There are plenty of comments on Chanpong’s Twitter account asking her why she deleted her tweet about Hillary potentially dropping out of the presidential race.
As of this writing, it doesn’t appear that Hannah as responded to the Twitter screenshot making the rounds. In the vacuum, people are making up all sorts of theories about why Chanpong might have deleted the tweet — one that she likely never tweeted in the first place — and are theorizing that CBS News or the Clinton camp pressured Hannah to delete the tweet.
A sampling of comments about the alleged Chanpong tweet can be read below.
“Is Hillary dropping out?”
“Why did you delete your post about [Hillary’s] staff retiring?”
“Deleted tweet?”
“Did you actually tweet this?”
“Even though you deleted it I still have it. So @HillaryClinton may drop out?”
“What happened to this tweet?”
“Wooo Hooo! She is going to drop out…as she should! Nothing gets deleted on the interwebs! # DropOutHillary ”
“Upon further inspection of that tweet, it’s fake. Look next 2 retweets, it says favorite instead of like. Old format.”
“Her silence on this Tweet is deafening. If she didn’t actually tweet it, she’d be making it known.”
“Rumors Clinton will drop out? Can you confirm?”
[Photo by Carolyn Kaster/AP Images]