In what the New York Post describes as a “stunning” assertion, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that her husband — former President of the United States Bill Clinton — shouldn’t have resigned over the Monica Lewinsky scandal, because Lewinski was an adult.
In the wake of the #MeToo movement — a movement that Clinton has championed — these remarks may be interpreted as uncharacteristic.
Asked whether Bill should have resigned after the affair, Hillary said: “Absolutely not.”
Pressed on whether her husband Bill had committed an abuse of power, Clinton responded “No, no,” because Monica Lewinsky “was an adult.”
Seeking to terminate this line of questioning, Clinton attempted to redirect the conversation to a subject that she evidently felt more comfortable talking about, President Donald Trump’s alleged extramarital affairs.
“Let me ask you this: Where’s the investigation of the current incumbent, against whom numerous allegations have been made and which he dismisses, denies and ridicules?” Hillary Clinton responded.
Former President Bill Clinton was impeached on charges of obstruction of justice and perjury. Subsequently acquitted by the Senate, Clinton remained in office. It’s impossible to tell whether the same fate awaits President Donald Trump or not, but history could repeat itself if the Democratic Party manages to take over the House.
As the Inquisitr reported earlier today — and although Trump’s approval rating is up five points since August — polls suggest that impeachment continues to pose a threat for the current president. Given that the Republican Party is currently trailing the Democratic Party by 11 percentage points in polling, President Trump may face impeachment after the midterm elections.
According to Hillary Clinton, however, comparisons between President Donald Trump and former President Bill Clinton don’t hold water.
Hillary Clinton says Bill should “absolutely not” have resigned over Monica Lewinsky scandal
— CBS News (@CBSNews) October 14, 2018
Clinton reiterated her previous claims, citing sexism, the FBI’s probe into her emails, and alleged Russian meddling as the primary reasons for her loss to Donald Trump in 2016.
“If you watched the way Trump debated me, it was just imbued with sexism. Making fun of me for preparing. Well, you know, that’s the old, like, ‘Oh, yeah, the girl in the class who’s always prepared. I don’t need to be prepared,’” the Democratic Party stalwart said.
In 2017, former chief speech writer for President George W. Bush — and Washington Post columnist — Marc A. Thiessen opined that Hillary Clinton “apparently has no idea” why Trump won, arguing that the former secretary of state continues to search for scapegoats. He claims that Clinto moves from the topic of Russia, to WikiLeaks, to Bernie Sanders — all the while refusing to acknowledge her own mistakes.
Thiessen also asserted that the Democratic Party seems underprepared to take back working class voters. The party has, instead, focused on “resisting” Trump — which is “precisely the strategy that failed in 2016,” according to the Washington Post columnist.