Harrison Ford is already slated to reprise one of the roles that made him so famous, and now it looks like Ford might be making an appearance in the long awaited sequel to Blade Runner .
Reports surfaced on Thursday that Harrison Ford was officially offered a position in the new film, and now it’s simply up to Ford’s people to accept the job.
The LA Times reports that Ridley Scott has already signed on to direct Blade Runner 2 and Alcon Entertainment, the people behind the project, hope that will be enough to bring Harrison Ford into the fold as well.
Should Harrison decide to join the flick, he will be reprising the position of Deckard. Ford was an android hunting detective in the original and it would be interesting to see Harrison Ford take on that role yet again.
If Harrison Ford does sign on, it would mean that all of the most important cogs in the original film are back. In addition to Ford and Scott, the writer for the adaptation of Philip K. Dick’s Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep is returning as well.
The New York Daily News reports that Harrison Ford’s character would again be written by Hampton Fincher.
“We believe that Hampton Fancher and (co-writer) Michael Green have crafted with Ridley Scott an extraordinary sequel to one of the greatest films of all time. We would be honored, and we are hopeful, that Harrison will be part of our project,” Alcon Entertainment co-founders Andrew Kosove and Broderick Johnson said in a recent statement.
The company certainly isn’t putting all its eggs in the Harrison Ford basket. Alcon said the film will continue even if Ford doesn’t agree to be part of the project.
Blade Runner ‘s sequel is said to return to the same world where Harrison Ford marched off into the sunset with one of the androids he was talked with hunting down.
Ford’s character has long been one of the most beloved in the Science Fiction realm and it makes sense to bring the story back after so many years.
Considering Harrison has aged quite a bit since the 1982 film was released, it seems likely that the world could change quite a bit even from the futuristic setting Ford navigated through in the original.
One question the film might finally answer is whether or not Ford’s character was also an android. That question was one Harrison Ford fans have been debating for more than 30 years.