The well-known director Guillermo Del Toro has said that he will no longer work on video games. Del Toro is known for directing movies like Hellboy and Pacific Rim . The accomplished film director was also involved in video game development, but it looks like that will no longer be the case.
Speaking to Playboy in an interview , Mr. Guillermo made it clear that he has no interest in working on another video game.
“I have proven to be the albatross of video games,” he said. “I joined THQ, and THQ goes broke. I join Kojima, and Kojima leaves Konami. I have decided, in order not to destroy anyone else’s life, I have decided I will never again get involved in video games. Otherwise, I’ll join someone and his house will explode, or something.”
The trouble for Guillermo Del Toro began in 2012 when the game InSane by THQ was cancelled. THQ decided to cancel its publishing of InSane after the studio ran into financial trouble. The InSane project was announced in late 2010 and was canceled in the summer of 2012.
Unfortunately for Del Toro, his problems didn’t end with THQ and InSane . After the InSane failure, Guillermo teamed up with Konami to start working on Silent Hills . The Silent Hills game was going to be a horror game that starred a character based on Norman Reedus’ character, Daryl Dixon, in the hit TV show The Walking Dead .
As GameSpo t reports, the plan was for Guillermo Del Toro and Hideo Kojima to create the Silent Hills game together but for whatever reason, that didn’t happen. Kojima announced that he’d be leaving Konami in September when the title that he’s currently working on ships.
“Konami is committed to new Silent Hill titles, however the embryonic Silent Hills project developed with Guillermo del Toro and featuring the likeness of Norman Reedus will not be continued,”
As some have already mentioned , Del Toro’s announcement doesn’t entirely rule out his possible future involvement in game development. Though he may not directly be a part of the game development, studios could still use his ideas to craft a game.
For those hoping for Del Toro and Kojima to collaborate and complete the Silent Hills project, that now seems all but impossible. Perhaps Del Toro is still open to consulting to video game developers. If that is the case, the director could indirectly help to create video games once again.
[Photo by Ethan Miller / Getty Images]