The Ghost Recon: Wildlands open beta for PS4, Xbox One, and PC is now available for download. This means that if you’re eager to get in on the fun before the game hits retail next month, your chance is almost here.
The closed beta has ended, and the open beta is set to go live on Thursday. Now would be a good time to get your download started so you’re not spending half of tomorrow waiting for the download to finish. It might not be as much of an issue for Xbox One gamers, as Microsoft’s console was released with the ability to play portions of games before the download is finished . They just have to wait for the rest of the game or replay the available portion. At around 24 GB on PC and 20 GB on consoles, the full download could take a while, and you may need to put off watching Netflix or YouTube while you wait so you’re not throttling the console’s bandwidth and making it take longer.
If you already have the closed beta installed on PC, there is only an additional 19.51 GB you need to download.
To date, Ghost Recon: Wildlands has proven to be an enjoyable and solid open-world sandbox shooter, possibly making it the title of choice for gamers with itchy trigger fingers who don’t like linear titles as much. Coming from Ubisoft, it’s almost obvious as open-world titles appear to be their specialty.
Ubisoft is also behind Far Cry , Assassin’s Creed , and Watch Dogs , the latter of which is proving to be a sleeper hit. They are no stranger to open-world sandbox titles, and the franchise Tom Clancy inspired has often been one for intelligent military gameplay. This makes it differ from the crowd of FPS titles like Call of Duty and Battlefield , as those are often story-heavy and team-based, relying heavily on co-op missions for the meat of their fan base’s favored core gameplay.
VG247 suggests that while you’re waiting for Ghost Recon: Wildlands’ open beta to download on PS4, Xbox One, or PC, you should visit the game’s interactive site by clicking here . Doing so could net you extra bonuses in the game, much like playing the open beta will earn you a new mission for the main game. It’s unclear if the exclusivity of the beta-unlocked mission will change after the first year or so, as it often does with other games. Sometimes PS4-exclusive content will end up on the Xbox One after an extended period.
This edition of Ghost Recon is expected to be the largest open-world title Ubisoft has ever made, meaning you might be spending weeks simply combing its massive environment for the collectibles they usually pack into every game. Assassin’s Creed II did it with feathers, Syndicate did it with music boxes and notes, Watch Dogs 2 did it with research points and money bags, Far Cry Primal did it with various plants and rocks, and so on. There may be special ammunition or weapon art hidden in various locations on the map, encouraging teams to not only take the opposition out quickly but also explore.
Much like Call of Duty’s console launch installment, Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Wildlands has you playing the role of an operative from a secret fictional branch of the U.S. Army sent in to neutralize threats.
One thing that Wildlands appears to be borrowing from Watch Dogs 2 is the ability to use a drone to scout the enemy and mark their positions. It’s also likely that you’ll be able to shoot down enemy drones if you spot them. It also allows you to play the game however you want, so if you want to go in guns blasting, you can. If you want to use drone tactics and sniper rifles to pick off enemies from afar, you can.
You can see for yourself starting Thursday, but you probably want to start downloading it today.
[Featured Image by Ubisoft]