You can’t help but love to hate Claudette on ABC’s General Hospital. Actress Bree Williamson came on the scene a few months ago in the intriguing role of Nathan West’s ex-wife, and it seems to be the perfect fit for her. It looks like Griffin Munro knows that something is up with her and that she has more on her agenda than what meets the eye. Is Claudette keeping another secret?
Claudette has come to town for Nathan, but now that she has discovered that the man that she is really in love with, Dr. Griffin Munro, is in Port Charles as well, she has her sights set on him instead. However, there may be another secret that she hasn’t revealed just yet. According to General Hospital spoilers put out by Soaps She Knows, there is some other info that she is not ready to reveal just yet.
She may be waiting for just the right time to spill this secret that she seems to be holding onto. Claudette was all set on breaking up Nathan and Maxie Jones, and it almost worked. After Nathan assured Maxie that he is no longer in love with his ex and that she is the one who has his heart, they made up, and the wedding is back on.
On Tuesday’s episode, the lights went out at General Hospital while Griffin was just coming out of the shower. How convenient that Claudette was there to pay him a visit at that exact moment. If there wasn’t a serial killer on the loose who was terrorizing the hospital, you might think that it was Claudette who crashed the power. However, the power outage just worked to her advantage.
#GH #GeneralHospital @mattcohen4real @breewilliamson Griffin & Claudette – General Hospital
— Daytime ? Spoiler (@Daytime_spoiler) August 31, 2016
Griffin Munro is no dummy. While Nathan West seems to be way too nice sometimes and lets Claudette get the best of him, Griffin seems to see right through Claudette. In fact, he seems to suspect that she is holding something back and wants to know what it is. Right when she may have been getting ready to tell him that info, he was called away to tend to Elizabeth Webber who was unconscious at the bottom of the hospital stairwell.
What is it that Claudette is hiding? Is she planning to drop a bombshell on Nathan and Maxie at just the right moment? It could be that she is in some kind of trouble and needs help. However, the General Hospital spoilers say that she is holding onto this piece of info that she has yet to reveal. Why would she be holding onto it as if she was just waiting for the right moment to reveal it?
One thing that comes to mind is that Claudette could have had Nathan’s child. She could have been pregnant and not known it at the time that she was having an affair with Griffin. Did she have a baby after Nathan left her? Of course, if this speculation that she has a child is at all true, it is possible that it could be Griffin’s child as well. Her intention when she first came to Port Charles could have been to pass her child off as Nathan’s child to get him back in her life. You certainly can’t put anything past this lady as it is obvious that she has been up to no good since she arrived.
Check out our client @RyanPaevey on @hallmarkchannel ‘s @HomeandFamilyTV tomorrow at 10a/9c @RyanPaeveyNet
— Justice & Ponder (@JusticePonder) August 30, 2016
Speaking of babies, Maxie was acting a little funny on Tuesday’s General Hospital. When Nathan came to see her, she looked like she was a little dizzy. You know what that usually means on soaps, right? Could Maxie Jones be pregnant? Celebrity Dirty Laundry had also mentioned the possibility . It would definitely put a twist on things if Nathan were to find out that Claudette had his first child and that Maxie is now expecting his second.
#Naxie #GH
— SoapJenn ? (@SoapJenn) August 31, 2016
Claudette could very well be holding onto a different type of secret, but if Maxie could really be pregnant, that would definitely make Claudette very unhappy. Of course, she may be so infatuated with Griffin Munro that she doesn’t really care about what Nathan does now.
What are your thoughts on the info that Claudette has yet to reveal? Stay tuned to General Hospital to find out what is up with Maxie and what Claudette will do next.
[Photo by Jemal Countess/Getty Images]