They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but does it apply to Fox ? TV shows this fall will see an overabundance of superheroes. With the success the genre has enjoyed, it is easy to understand why any network would want to capitalize on it.
The CW looks to extend the hold it has on the DC Universe this fall. To complement the success of Arrow and The Flash , they will be adding Legends of Tomorrow . The formula worked last year. They introduce a character in one show. Then, they give him his own. Legends of Tomorrow looks to expand on that plan by adding characters from both of the previous mentioned shows.
Netflix has enjoyed quite a bit of success as well. The critically acclaimed Daredevil has been greenlit for a second season. Jessica Jones will arrive prior to the end of the year. This will pave the way for two more series featuring relatively minor Marvel characters in Luke Cage and the Iron Fist . It will all culminate in a Defenders movie.
Both of these ideas make sense for the relative networks. However, what Fox plans for their TV shows really could leave most people scratching their heads. Gotham has enjoyed some success on the network. Following on the heels of the popular Christopher Nolan Batman Trilogy, the pre-Batman show was bound to spark some interest. It has received a passing grade from both critics (73%) and users (7.3/10) on Metacritic .
With this very mild success, Fox may be looking to add more comic characters to their TV lineup. No, they didn’t buy the rights to Supergirl . No, they are not focusing on a new Wonder Woman TV show. Nope, Aquaman is out of the question. According to a latest report from Slash Film , X-Men could be getting a live-action treatment from Fox .
For those uninformed, X-Men is a Marvel property. Gotham is a property of DC. Fox Television Group Chairman Dana Walden spoke to media about where they are with Marvel’s X-Men .
X-Men , we’re in negotiations with Marvel. We’re hopeful that we’ll be able to announce something soon. We’ve not closed on a deal yet but it’s something we’re definitely pursuing.
Does Fox need the X-men? Can it co-exist on a network with Gotham without throwing comic fans into a tizzy? Do you even want to see an X-Men television show? Are you sick of superheroes all together? Let us know.
[Image via Fox.]