While Destiny 2 is in the doldrums at the moment thanks to a disappointing Faction Rallies event and various other issues , Xur has appeared in the Tower with a not terrible collection of Exotic goods. PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC players can pick up a unique weapon from the Agent of the Nine.
The Tractor Cannon Exotic Shotgun is the weapon of the week and is the first time it has been sold by Xur in Destiny 2 . It is joined by the Actium War Rig Chest Armor for Titans, Knucklehead Radar Helmet for Hunters, and Transversive Steps Boots for Warlocks.
These are all items that have not been sold frequently since Destiny 2 was released last September. If you have all these items already, then the Fated Engram is always worth the time it takes to swing by the mysterious vendor.
Guardians can find Xur in the Tower this week. He is located at the very back of the hangar past the Dead Orbit vendor and up the stairs. Destiny 2 players can mark his location on the Destination map to find him easily.
As a reminder, the Power Levels of all Xur’s Exotics scale according to the Guardian’s current Power Level. The max Power Level has been moved up to 305 with the release of Curse of Osiris . Infuse items to make them more powerful.
Tractor Cannon
This weapon looks like it was brought in from Half-Life 2 and that’s not far off. The Tractor Cannon fires a repulsor blast that pushes enemies away. The weapon is not particularly powerful and is not something you’d want to take in against a boss as it doesn’t cause much damage. However, it falls under the “fun to use” category as you can send opponents flying off the map or into walls in PVP or even PVE.
DIM Rating: 2.1
Actium War Rig
Titans who have picked up the Sweet Business Exotic Auto Rifle will want to get this companion piece armor. The Actium War Rig’s “Auto-Loading Link” automatically reloads a portion of the equipped Auto Rifle’s magazine. This pairs up nicely in Destiny 2 with the Sweet Business and grants Titans a much longer continuous stream of fire.
DIM Rating: 4.8
Knucklehead Radar
This Hunter Exotic Helmet carries over from Destiny 1 with pretty much the exact same perk. The “Upgraded Sensor Pack” perk allows the radar to stay up while aiming with any weapon. This makes Knucklehead Radar extremely useful in the Crucible for those who don’t run with the MIDA Multi-tool all the time.
DIM Rating: 3.9
Transversive Steps
These boots return from Destiny 1 with slightly downgraded perks. The Strange protractor intrinsic perk grants increased sprint speed combined with automatic energy weapon reload when sprinting. This is a good Exotic piece for any Warlock subclass to use when looking for extra sprint speed, especially since there is a hidden perk of extra slide distance.
As previously covered , the mobility stat only affects walking speed and jump height. Players will need a weapon with the Lightweight perk like MIDA Multi-Tool or an armor piece like the Transversive Steps to sprint faster.
DIM Rating: 3.9